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Adults crossing "on the red man" in front of kids

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Even before we had a child I`d never cross on a red man if any kids were about (and here`s the proof in this 2009 thread ! ). But now we`ve got a little lad I really can`t understand any parent who does that. If they do it in front of any other parents who are dutifully waiting for the green man with their kids I have to say I think it`s downright ignorant. Often when I walk to work I use a crossing outside a school and you sometimes get a parent actually pushing through from the back past all those waiting for the green man and taking their kid over on the red. Unbelievable but true.....


Could we all do our best to show a good example !

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I have to agree with you, I find it rather ignorant too. My children have never tried to cross with them luckily and actually tell me the adults are naughty for not waiting for the green man as I have always told them they should do.

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I'm not particularly interested in setting a good example for anyone else's children, unless that example is to cross the road when there's a big enough gap for me to do so.

I probably wouldn't even have noticed that there were children around and I certainly wouldn't inconvenience myself due to it.

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I'm not particularly interested in setting a good example for anyone else's children, unless that example is to cross the road when there's a big enough gap for me to do so.

I probably wouldn't even have noticed that there were children around and I certainly wouldn't inconvenience myself due to it.


You are a very ignorant man/woman and its obvious you are childless.

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I'm not particularly interested in setting a good example for anyone else's children, unless that example is to cross the road when there's a big enough gap for me to do so.

I probably wouldn't even have noticed that there were children around and I certainly wouldn't inconvenience myself due to it.


Are you trying to wind people up here Cyclone ? You do sometimes slip into this on SF, I`d try harder not to if I were you.

If you are totally serious, and I don`t think you are, you`re making yourself look ignorant, particularly if your bad example contributed to the death of a child.

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I can understand your point Justin but I don't think you can expect other adults to behave in a certain way. Cyclone says he probably wouldn't even notice Children around - I don't think he is in the minority and even people who do see kids don’t always take any notice of their own behaviour. If someone doesn’t notice who else is at the crossing you can force them to take notice.


The amount of times I have heard adults, that's including parents use the F word or other expletives in front of their own kids and mine is unbelievable. I tend to swear quietly around adults say for example in public as I know it can be offensive, but other people will do it at the top of their voices so everyone can hear. I would like people to not swear in front of my kids but I know that it’s going to happen.

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Are you trying to wind people up here Cyclone ? You do sometimes slip into this on SF, I`d try harder not to if I were you.

If you are totally serious, and I don`t think you are, you`re making yourself look ignorant, particularly if your bad example contributed to the death of a child.


Not at all. I cross the road if it's safe, if I can avoid pressing the button, even better. Because I know I'll press it, then manage to cross and it'll just be pointlessly holding up traffic when I'm 50 metres away on the other side.


I don't honestly care who else is waiting to cross. You see lots of adults stood looking at an empty road like lemons. Why should that slow my journey down?


I don't live my life looking out for people to be an example to, children or otherwise, I get on with living it how I want to, which includes not pointlessly waiting when there's a gap suitable to cross the road.

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I can understand your point Justin but I don't think you can expect other adults to behave in a certain way. Cyclone says he probably wouldn't even notice Children around - I don't think he is in the minority and even people who do see kids don’t always take any notice of their own behaviour. If someone doesn’t notice who else is at the crossing you can force them to take notice.


The amount of times I have heard adults, that's including parents use the F word or other expletives in front of their own kids and mine is unbelievable. I tend to swear quietly around adults say for example in public as I know it can be offensive, but other people will do it at the top of their voices so everyone can hear. I would like people to not swear in front of my kids but I know that it’s going to happen.


That`s not what he said, that would have been a reasonable thing to say. What he said was he`s not interested in setting an example to other people`s children*, something quite different. It`s the kind of thing an ignorant Chav would say. I don`t know Cyclone personally but I don`t get the impression he`s a Chav so he either used a poor choice of words or, more likely, is trying to wind people up.


* I wonder how far he`d go with that one. Would he be happy for someone playing anti socially loud music, or with a deafening motorbike, or a litter lout, or a fly tipper, or even a burglar, to set examples for children, possibly children who live near him !


---------- Post added 30-05-2015 at 09:37 ----------


Not at all. I cross the road if it's safe, if I can avoid pressing the button, even better. Because I know I'll press it, then manage to cross and it'll just be pointlessly holding up traffic when I'm 50 metres away on the other side.


I don't honestly care who else is waiting to cross. You see lots of adults stood looking at an empty road like lemons. Why should that slow my journey down?


I don't live my life looking out for people to be an example to, children or otherwise, I get on with living it how I want to, which includes not pointlessly waiting when there's a gap suitable to cross the road.


That`s a very modern / permissive attitude to life, and some would say the cause of many of the social problems we`ve got. I do try to set an example, lead by example etc. If more people did so the world would be a better place, wouldn`t you agree ? Obviously not.

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