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Adults crossing "on the red man" in front of kids

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I quite often walk across the road when the red man is showing and there are children waiting with their parents. I do feel some sort of guilt pang when I do it but I'm usually in a rush and they've got their own parents/guardian looking out for them BUT If there are children on their own then no I don't cross, I wait..

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When I'm waiting with my daughter for the green man, there has been quite a few occasions when adults have crossed on the red man. My daughter always says they are naughty and I tell her that a car could get them and that's why you should wait for the green man. Whilst it would be nice for all adults to wait for the green man this is not reality and throughout her life I'm sure my daughter will see things that go against what I tell her about right and wrong, I also feel it important for her to understand not everyone thinks the same and want her to know the reasons obviously age appropriate to my decisions. I'm hoping that by doing this she will make better choices when she older.

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I'm pretty good at judging speed and distance, I suppose it's something you develop as an adult, and from using the roads a lot as a driver, pedestrian and cyclist. If I can see a gap while the red man is on, I will walk/jog across, I probably wouldn't notice if children were there or not, and it would not affect me decision to cross.

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If you can't stop and observe the green cross code in front of children (or help them and others to cross safely), you need to modify your behaviour so that you do. It is good manners.


Teaching children how to behave, by setting a good example, is a responsibility of all adults, regardless of whether or not they have their own children.


There might be some junctions where it is safe to cross without waiting for the green man, but if children, women or elderly are present, you should either wait, or proceed to stand in the road, point out it is safe to cross and then wait for women, children and elderly to cross safely, before finishing crossing yourself.


Observe the green cross code, or help people to cross safely. Simple.



To rush around with only concern for oneself, and set a bad example, is to risk the safety of others, it is selfish and dangerous.

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You've managed to miss the point of the thread and confuse "green man" with "green cross code".


Women... Wow. You're setting up yourself for some righteous smackdown. I think you should probably crawl back under your bridge.

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You've managed to miss the point of the thread and confuse "green man" with "green cross code".


Women... Wow. You're setting up yourself for some righteous smackdown. I think you should probably crawl back under your bridge.


Apparently us females are incapable of crossing a road under our own judgement, maybe we are too stupid? :confused:

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You've managed to miss the point of the thread and confuse "green man" with "green cross code".


? I haven't confused anything, you are just trying to be pedantic for the sake of it, and turn the thread into a slanging match.


People cross in multiple locations, so you shouldn't set a bad example anywhere where people may cross.


Women... Wow. You're setting up yourself for some righteous smackdown. I think you should probably crawl back under your bridge.


Ad hominem attacks already? What about women? Don't you keep an eye out for them to make sure they cross safely?

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? I haven't confused anything, you are just trying to be pedantic for the sake of it, and turn the thread into a slanging match.


People cross in multiple locations, so you shouldn't set a bad example anywhere where people may cross.




Ad hominem attacks already? What about women? Don't you keep an eye out for them to make sure they cross safely?


I can't speak for all women but I sure as hell don't need some dude helping me to cross the road!!

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Apparently us females are incapable of crossing a road under our own judgement, maybe we are too stupid? :confused:


I never said women were incapable :confused:


As a bloke, I will hold doors open for women, young children and the elderly (occasionally even men too).


Much like I hold a door open, I also will keep an eye out for certain groups when crossing the road. It is good manners.


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 11:12 ----------


I can't speak for all women but I sure as hell don't need some dude helping me to cross the road!!


So you'd rather be at greater risk of getting run over than have a person keep an eye out for you? :confused:

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