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Adults crossing "on the red man" in front of kids

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I never said women were incapable :confused:


As a bloke, I will hold doors open for women, young children and the elderly (occasionally even men too).


Much like I hold a door open, I also will keep an eye out for certain groups when crossing the road. It is good manners.


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 11:12 ----------



So you'd rather be at greater risk of getting run over than have a person keep an eye out for you? :confused:


Well it may be very hard for you to comprehend but my tiny little female brain is quite capable of using common sense in such scenarios ;)

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personally I think its more important to teach your child to make its own judgement of risk than to follow rules blindly. one such rule is crossing with the green man - id prefer him to understand to look for cars and cross when safe to do so than to blindly wait for a green man. After all, there may not always be a green man to cross with and secondly it may not necessarily be safe to cross when there is a green man.


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 11:33 ----------


What about women? Don't you keep an eye out for them to make sure they cross safely?

Are you for real? I hope you are because you deserve all you get


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 11:34 ----------


So you'd rather be at greater risk of getting run over than have a person keep an eye out for you? :confused:


Suggesting that women (and not men) need help crossing the road is completely sexist and moronic. Sexism definitely does not feature on the list of good manners.

Edited by TimmyR
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