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Since sun shine ! then the chavy men

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Why do chavy men feel the need to take their shirts off when we have bit of sun shine!


do they really believe its attractive to see skinny men with no muscular physique or the opposite end of the scale Middle age chavi who do have bit of muscle but have since developed a bot belly drinking far to much stella :hihi:


not sure if I mentioned the cheap tacky Gangster look for the Argos gold chains. that's been pawned a few times at Cash Converter :hihi:

Edited by spooferman
oops spelling
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I remember visiting England one summer when I was small (1983? 1985?) and it got to about 75F or 24C. I saw all these people in bikini tops and men topless and the like.. My sister and I were dressed in heavy jeans, long sleeve shirt, windbreaker coat and summer hats.


I turned to my Mum and asked why was everyone acting like it was really hot out, and my mother turned to me and said


"It's England, honey, they dont know what summer is like"


full disclosure, my mum is British :hihi:

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Why do chavy men feel the teen to take their shirts off when we have bit of sun shine!


Because the sun feels <removed> amazing on naked skin!




It's the best thing EVA :love:

Edited by medusa
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I was (with girlfriend) having a pleasant countryside walk near Thor's Cave in the Manifold valley last week (armed with picnic).

Miles from any main road, but as we walked along a single track road with walkers cars parked on the verges, we heard before we saw really loud boom-boom type 'music'.

Getting closer we saw a clapped out chavvied up Astra ... complete with shirtless, tattooed, skinhead chav sat out of the drivers side window, fag in one hand, can of lager in the other. Inside the woofer-on-wheels was a hideous chavess who appeared, through a cursory glance, to be breastfeeding some kind of infant sub-species (complete, I'm sure, with vestigial tail), which seemed more interested in screaming it's head off in time to the mind-bogglingly loud bass. We walked on by ... others stared furtively in disbelief at this incongruous sight.


We were shocked ... chavs outside of their normal countryside pied-a-terre, known as Padley Gorge!

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It's a symptom of the British cluelessness about how to behave in the sunshine. They're the laughing stock of the European beach resorts.


That's right, it's shameful and it's not just beach resorts also. I get fed up of telling Europeans that not all British people are the same. Nor is it about sunshine and shirts off either, but more to do with the British attitude to everything

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Why do chavy men feel the need to take their shirts off when we have bit of sun shine!


do they really believe its attractive to see skinny men with no muscular physique or the opposite end of the scale Middle age chavi who do have bit of muscle but have since developed a bot belly drinking far to much stella :hihi:



I'm not a chav, and, when the suns out hot and bright I wander round with no top on, as-


1. it feels amazing and makes me happy

2. it's an excellent way of getting vitamin D

3. I'm not embarrased or ashamed of my body


I can't think of a single reason why I'd want a top on when it's hot and sunny.

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