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Headache and tiredness all day

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One of my work colleagues feels the same on hot days.


Apparently, high pressure brings high temperatures for the rest of us but all that increased pressure manifests itself in headaches for susceptible folk.

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I've had a banging head, most of today, but that's mostly to do with stress, and the creeee-tuns who run my housing association doing their standard "let's snafu THIS job for Mrs PT."


Fouled-up seems to be the default setting with the H-A. they could not organise a booze-up at Sam Smiths'!!!

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anyone else feel completely washed out?

cant concentrate today, tired, headache, feel a bit sick... :(


does anyone think the changing seasons have something to do with it?


I have that when I've been having a few too many during the week. Doesn't take a lot - last couple of weeks for example I've had one or maybe two beers in an evening, and by the end of last week that's exactly how I felt. This week I've had nothing, and feel absolutely fine again. If you don't drink of course that could be completely useless! :)

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anyone else feel completely washed out?

cant concentrate today, tired, headache, feel a bit sick... :(


Has you got a hangover little mouse :hihi:


does anyone think the changing seasons have something to do with it?


Could be heat stroke :nod:

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Could also be a lurgy, although the one that I have at the moment started as a lovely productive cough, then graduated on to earache, reflux, headache and diarrhoea as well as the feeling like I've been hit by a bus.


I've declared chemical warfare on it and plan on being able to sleep tonight without feeling like I'm drowning in snot.

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