"John C Fowler Leverton Gardens S11 It is good that the Bower brothers are behind bars. This will protect the public and be of long-term benefit to the Bowers.
However, to blame them for their crimes is unfair. They have been reared in dysfunctional homes. The mental turbulence in their minds will be considerable. Such turbulence, for want of a better word, leads to criminal behaviour. If the Bowers had been conditioned in more favourable surroundings, they would have expressed less criminality. The collective human mind is becoming more and more chaotic as it is awakening out of its unconsciousness.
More people, like myself, are slowly recognising that we are progressing towards a higher, purer consciousness. But this won’t be easy. The “global mother” is in much pain as she is in labour. But at least she knows that her baby will be delivered safely. God will not allow His child to be harmed. Until the birth, we must wait calmly and allow the baby to come when it is ready.
As for the Bower brothers, if you point the finger at them, you point it at yourself. Remember the words of Jesus of Nazareth, who truly sacrificed himself for his friends (i.e.the entire human race): “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” "
Full text of the letter.