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Under 21 derby.


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Been to watch the U21 Sheffield derby in which the Blades romped home 3-0 winners much to my delight. It was a pretty young affair with the exception on a couple of older players from each team. It did however show how well our younger players are coming on as the likes of Reid, Dimaio, Calvert-Lewin and Coustrain looked head and shoulders above some of the Owls youngsters.


Out of the first team few that United put out I thought Scougall had a good game as did Davies. Higdon didnt do much but his physical presence scared the Owls back four. Likewise the Owls forwards didnt bother Mcgahey at the back one bit.


Stevie May played up front for the Owls and if I am homest I didnt see anything in him that I feel could improve us up front. Is it too late to ask for a refund on the lad? We had him in our pockets all game. McCabe looked ok and I like the look of Maghoma who for me was a stand out from a pretty unimpressive team. The other stand out was your keeper who was terrific and looks one for the future as without him it could have been quite easily double the scoreline if not treble. David Hirsts lad came on for you lot but didnt really see enough of him to comment as he didnt really get involved in much.

Edited by green_man
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Pretty much the same report from last time we played them that Grappler put up ... Blades comfy all match and only Maghoma and the keeper standing out for the owls youngsters.

Not sure what you didn't see in Stevie May he's a REVELATION don't you know :hihi::hihi::hihi:


The futures bright and its definetly RED AND WHITE

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Pretty much the same report from last time we played them that Grappler put up ... Blades comfy all match and only Maghoma and the keeper standing out for the owls youngsters.

Not sure what you didn't see in Stevie May he's a REVELATION don't you know :hihi::hihi::hihi:


The futures bright and its definetly RED AND WHITE


No there was another lad as well CB, who scored for them, midfielder/winger from memory, but cannot remember his name, the SWFC fans on here will know who I mean.

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By the way, well done to the combined Blades U13's/U14's team who entered a Sacandinavian tournament in Bergen, Norway and won the title.


Also, while we are on the subject of youngsters, well done to the Blades under 12's, who entered a tournament in Turkey, taking on their counterparts from a mix of Juventus, Roma, Paris St. Germain, Porto. Ajax, Dinamo Kiev, plus local teams etc. I have seen the results but don't have them to hand, but from memory it was won 4, drew 4, lost 2.


Great experience for the youngsters, of any football club, to get to travel overseas and have fun playing in different surroundings.


---------- Post added 07-04-2015 at 18:06 ----------


Jack stobbs.:)


Cheers Gaz, he was a good player, on that night at least.

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Pretty much the same report from last time we played them that Grappler put up ... Blades comfy all match and only Maghoma and the keeper standing out for the owls youngsters.

Not sure what you didn't see in Stevie May he's a REVELATION don't you know :hihi::hihi::hihi:


The futures bright and its definetly RED AND WHITE

What were the results in the season that the respective first teams actually played each other.

Now that was a revelation:hihi:

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It isn't so much about getting one over on you lot but more to the point that these sides are supposedly our fringe sides breaking on to the professional scene. Considering this I would say that our youngsters are looking more ready and promising. Young Reedy has rightly been a first time regular but Dimaio, Calvert Lewin and Coustrain all look like they are more or less ready to have a pop at some serious first team football some time soon.


It is extremely excited as a United fan to see the quality of players that are coming through at the minute. Another crop of real talent from one of the countries best academy systems.


And again addressing Stevie May, blimey he was dire and has to be the worse £1m you lot have spent in a long while.

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