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Beer brewing courses

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Join a brewing forum. My husband brews from scratch and bulk buys hops etc with his forum brew 'mates'. He hasn't brewed for a while but just started a batch about a week ago.


He did think about setting up a shop but its a bit of a 'closed shop' forced by suppliers. He wanted to do courses on specialist brewing and sell kits as well as individual components but the suppliers insisted on having a high steet shop, bulk buying same items etc, etc. He wanted to sell fresh stuff in ate and it was too risky to start buying so much bulk and be able to afford a high street shop.

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Join the Real Ale Tw@ts facebook page. Although I expect there are many others.


Also check out the local CAMRA magazines. A lot of pubs are doing their own brews in the cellar and are happy to chat and discuss it.


And many go on to starting their own breweries. I was lucky enough to know this one right at the very start:



Edited by alchresearch
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I brew from grain, I taught myself from http://www.jimsbeerkit.co.uk , once you get your head around the process it's very easy.


I used to buy grain in bulk, but found I had too much beer to consume (never thought that would happen) so generally just buy what I need now. I store my beer in 'corny' kegs, and force carbonate with pub sized co2 bottles as I prefer my beer bright (no yeast sediment).

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I get my stuff also from Brewmart at Abby Lane. They have good supplies and are cheaper than getting it on-line. Oh and don't do like I did and go on a Wednesday as they are closed. :)


Wilkinson in town also sell home brew kits etc. If you want to try a fairly decent "Real Ale" style kit then try the "Woodforde's Wherry" kit @£20. Its 3kg of malt in 2 cans, no sugar needed like the cheap kits, well hopped, easy to do and does 40pts.


The main expense is buying the equipment to start off with but for starters all that is needed is a 23-25ltr brew bin, airlock, long plastic mixing spoon and some cleaner/steriliser. Try to get hold of some 2ltr plastic pop bottles to store in as that way if you over carbonate they wont go bang!


You tube also has some good brewing videos and also instructions of how to brew using all grain recipes. Also vids on how to make your own equipment on the cheap for sparging and cooling.

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I have been brewing AG now for 6 months. Started off doing small 1gallon batches to get me into it on my stove top. Then I have built my own brew house in the garage. Mash tun, hlt, boiler, Immersion chiller all made but me. It's a little Heath Robinson but I love it as I made it all.

There are lots of instructional videos on you tube but as everyone says. It's a massive learning curve.

There are some great forums such as on http://www.brewuk.com

Get brewing and enjoy a whole day locked away making beer.



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