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Concerns re:friend becoming homeless, mental and physical health..

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A friend of mines mental and physical health is deteriorating rapidly but I cannot get persuade him to seek help. It began to get severe around 3 months ago when his JSA was sanctioned which lead to his Housing & Council Tax benefit also stopping because he has no income.


He's had no money since apart from bits off me and his other friend, he sleeps all through the day and wakes around 6-8pm. He then goes shoplifting / skip surfing for food and alcohol. He is severely depressed and has ignored all letters. He now faces eviction but won't face the courts or visit Howden because he his extremely anxious in busy open brightly lit crowded places.


I'm at my witsend as to what to do, if I send 'officials' round this could tip him over the edge. But doing nothing is no longer an option. Any advice?

Edited by gwhite78
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Im sorry to hear this. Is there anyone (friend family or neighbour) who could act on his behalf? Write a short letter detailing his issues and problems and ask him to sign the letter giving someone (you maybe?) authority to act on his behalf. Then contact all the people involved with his benefits and try t buy him some time. If it comes to court then they arent without sympathy as long as they know whats what. You must keep everyone informed at every step this way it will show a willingness to get it sorted. Then try to get him to speak to his GP and get him signed on the sick until hes on an even keel. Good luck.

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Shelter offer a support service aimed at preventing homelessness. It may be worth you taking him down the their advice centre on Furnival Gate. This service may be able to advocate on his behalf and help him to access services which could help him. There are some good charities which may be able to offer him some support.


If you can at least look at the letters from the Council, and speak to Council Housing Services about the situation on his behalf, that may help. You may also try and tring Advice Sheffield (the CABs) on 2055055, they may be able to help.

Good luck.

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A friend of mines mental and physical health is deteriorating rapidly but I cannot get persuade him to seek help. It began to get severe around 3 months ago when his JSA was sanctioned which lead to his Housing & Council Tax benefit also stopping because he has no income.


He's had no money since apart from bits off me and his other friend, he sleeps all through the day and wakes around 6-8pm. He then goes shoplifting / skip surfing for food and alcohol. He is severely depressed and has ignored all letters. He now faces eviction but won't face the courts or visit Howden because he his extremely anxious in busy open brightly lit crowded places.


I'm at my witsend as to what to do, if I send 'officials' round this could tip him over the edge. But doing nothing is no longer an option. Any advice?


Even if his JSA is santioned, your friend is still entitled to housing benefit. It's automatically stopped when the JSA santion occurs, but, he's still entitled to housing benefit as he has no income, he needs to contact the housing benefit office and make a claim. Perhaps you could go down to Howden house with him, as he's unable to do so on his own?


From his aversion to dealing with official letters and refusal to enter court buildings, there may be a chance he's got aspergers syndrome, in which case, if he gets diagnosed, he will have access to help via an occupational therapist/key worker who will take on the things he can't do himself (dealing with courts/benefits).


If he's not aspergeric, it's very likely he will be diagnosed with a mental health issue, in which case, there may still be similar help available.

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Even if his JSA is santioned, your friend is still entitled to housing benefit. It's automatically stopped when the JSA santion occurs, but, he's still entitled to housing benefit as he has no income, he needs to contact the housing benefit office and make a claim. Perhaps you could go down to Howden house with him, as he's unable to do so on his own? ...............



The same is also true for Poll Tax.


The hardship payment he is entitled to instead of the JSA which the state it trying to pay as few people as possible (doubters google that for yourselves... sceptics are annoying) is not a fixed amount dependent on need, what apparently soulless individuals assess that need is another question altogther.


However your friend, perhaps with someone or someone in his stead should contact Shelter. Apart from all the other very good things Shelter does they do with a great deal of success assist very competently with JSA sanction and other benefit appeals. A shelter rep would accompany your friend if tribunal attendance is necessary and in that case your friend will have to actually address the panel himself very little.


The role of the tribunal (usually only 2 people one of which is a doctor, the DWP seldom bother to attend) is to determine whether or not your friend was entitled to JSA at the time of suspension. The panel will also give a recommended period of time before which the DWP ought not to reassess the case. The DWP may appeal of course, it speaks volumes that they rarely do.


When the appeal itself is accepted whilst awaiting the outcome or whilst awaiting a tribunal hearing your friend will start to recieve about £70 a week.


Once the appeal, whether or not it requires a tribunal attendance, has been successful within a month to six weeks after (they do like to drag it out, I think they are hoping you will get a job or die) normal payments will be reinstated (approx £100/week) and the amount not paid throughout the sanction period (the arrears) will be paid also.


I hope that helps.


It occurs to me that no matter how little the DWP do let you have it is always the minimum that the the law says you require to live on. Yet when your money is reduced they won;t tell you where the shop is that sells the same stuff cheaper.




Edited by Tommo68
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