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Sheffield follows Rotherham in Child Abuse allegations?

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What colour are Muslims?


It was a typo smart arse that has now been corrected....


---------- Post added 14-03-2015 at 22:18 ----------


No, I bet you don't because you know you are wrong. Read my post above. Go the Westminster paedo thread.


How many threads about non muslim groomers in Rotherham have been started as a couple of non Muslim groomers have been sentenced like this one but no one started a thread about it did they? = http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/main-topics/general-news/rotherham-child-sex-offender-sees-lenient-sentence-doubled-1-6848598


What about these 4 from Rotherham here = http://ukpaedos-exposed.com/category/south-yorkshire/

Three are from this year, was I wrong?

Where are the threads on SF about these nonces?

Edited by mafya
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Well lets hope that all the groomers/Rapists in Rotherham/Sheffield are all brought to justice because by god there are a lot of them. People are rightly concerned because this is happening in their home town and why shouldn't they be. This thread needs to be kept alive because only by bringing it out into the open and talking about it will something be done, but alas I see it getting shut down because of the refusal to acknowledge what's going on by certain people.

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It was a typo smart arse that has now been corrected....


---------- Post added 14-03-2015 at 22:18 ----------



How many threads about non muslim groomers in Rotherham have been started as a couple of non Muslim groomers have been sentenced like this one but no one started a thread about it did they? = http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/main-topics/general-news/rotherham-child-sex-offender-sees-lenient-sentence-doubled-1-6848598


What about these 4 from Rotherham here = http://ukpaedos-exposed.com/category/south-yorkshire/

Three are from this year, was I wrong?

Where are the threads on SF about these nonces?


Please read my update to my last post, mafya.


I have to go now, but will talk to you further on here - they are there - maybe not on the specific ones you mention, I don't have time to check at the moment - but I certainly have started threads about white paedophiles and posted on them in the past.

Edited by Mr Bloom
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Well lets hope that all the groomers/Rapists in Rotherham/Sheffield are all brought to justice because by god there are a lot of them. People are rightly concerned because this is happening in their home town and why shouldn't they be. This thread needs to be kept alive because only by bringing it out into the open and talking about it will something be done, but alas I see it getting shut down because of the refusal to acknowledge what's going on by certain people.


Nobody is trying to get the thread shut down, as I have always said any peadophile needs bringing to justice and sending down for a very long stretch but at the same time lets not only focus on the muslim ones as seems to be happening.

The law should be applied equally or is it that the muslim ones need dealing with more harshly according to some?

Out of the 1400 victims there were black, muslim and other ethnicity girls abused aswell but it's refered to as 1400 white girls abused by mainly Pakistani origin men when in fact it was also Iraqi, Kurdish, mixed race and white people doing it aswell.


---------- Post added 14-03-2015 at 22:39 ----------


Please read my update to my last post, mafya.


I have to go now, but will talk to you further on here - they are there - maybe not on the specific ones you mention, I don't have time to check at the moment - but I certainly have started threads about white paedophiles and posted on them in the past.


I'm stating how it comes accross to me, I hate nonces but at the same time I'm not going to let the focus only be on muslim nonces as there are non muslims also at it.

I have stated many times that all nonces need punishing but while all the focus is on muslim ones the non Muslim ones are getting looked over.


---------- Post added 14-03-2015 at 22:40 ----------


It would be good if you could actually contribute some experience to the forum instead of slagging off those who are trying to have a meaningful discussion.


I do contribute, if you took the time to read and digest what I post you may realise where I'm coming from....

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You may be right, it hasn't been reported yet exactly who the rapists were just that it's been happening on an epic scale, I certainly haven't said they were muslims, there has been one report though that said 6 arrests have been made and they were Iraqi Kurds, what religion they were I haven't got a clue nor do I care, just that I want to see all the perpetrators brought to justice whoever they are, but you can bet your life that there will be many young girls who haven't reported this has happened to them.

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I cant remember, of all the reports on this matter in every one of them, who did they say was the main culprits, somebody jog my memory. something about taxi drivers taking them here there and every where. its about time some people grow up and face reality.

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It has been widely reported that during and subsequent to 2002, new Home Office targets relating to offences such as Burglary and Car Crime were prioritised above those established for certain other crimes. Does anyone know who was Home Secretary at the time that they were set? Was there any special reason why it might have been important that South Yorkshire Police were specifically seen to be focussing on these particular results?

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It has been widely reported that during and subsequent to 2002, new Home Office targets relating to offences such as Burglary and Car Crime were prioritised above those established for certain other crimes. Does anyone know who was Home Secretary at the time that they were set? Was there any special reason why it might have been important that South Yorkshire Police were specifically seen to be focussing on these particular results?


it has also been widely reported that detectives in south yorkshire police, were told to drop child abuse cases [ by senior officers ] even though they had evidence to take offenders to court with an excellent chance of a conviction.

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Norfolk Constabulary now hold the remit to investigate historic child abuse in Sheffield. This is not widely known. It is however, representative of the tacit acceptance at the highest possible national level that the city's senior politicians, public administrators and police officers have and possibly continue to fall short of the requisite levels of either or both the probity and competency that is expected of them.

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