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Rather irate first bus driver

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I know where how this thread will probably end up but just needed to post about a journey I had earlier.


I got on the 42 after the match opposite decathlon and a bloke got on with a travelmaster pass any way the ticket machine said card error and the bus driver told the bloke to get off as he couldn't allow him to travel.


The bloke asked why and all the driver did was say it's a card error so couldnt travel, when it was pointed out that he had a ticket with the correct card number and valid pass the bus driver started getting irate.


The bloke then asked for the drivers number in order to make a complaint the driver refused so the bloke then tried to take a photo at this the driver got out of his cab and basically squared up to the passenger and started shouting that he better not take his picture. The bloke was remarkably restrained as the driver was in his face and pointing and shouting at him. And explained he is legally allowed to take a picture and all he required was the drivers number


My issue is should the driver have let the passenger on if the pass was valid ( paper counterstubs are being phased out so what do drivers do when there is a card error)

Should the driver have given his details (driver number)

Also only the other week a bus driver was attacked so should the driver have put himself in danger by getting out of the cab and by abusing the passenger potentially put himself in danger?

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Yes well as someone who has a travelmaster card I'm anxious to know what to do when it says card error I'm certainly not getting off a bus when I've a valid pass and the fact they've stopped giving a paper counterpart will cause issues (the machine shows when it's not valid just incase anyone wonders )

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I think as long as the passenger has proof of purchase (eg, a receipt) the driver should let them on. I always make sure I have my receipt in my card wallet. I've had these card errors a few times too but the drivers have always let me on and not even asked to see evidence of purchase.

I hope the poor man complained. Not guaranteed anything will happen if he did but the bus companies have to know when their staff are behaving like this.

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The driver should have given his driver number. If he had took the bus number, route number and time he would have been traced by the company. I do not think he had the right to take his photo without his permission. I would have been annoyed if someone did that to me.

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I know where how this thread will probably end up but just needed to post about a journey I had earlier.


I got on the 42 after the match opposite decathlon and a bloke got on with a travelmaster pass any way the ticket machine said card error and the bus driver told the bloke to get off as he couldn't allow him to travel.


The bloke asked why and all the driver did was say it's a card error so couldnt travel, when it was pointed out that he had a ticket with the correct card number and valid pass the bus driver started getting irate.


The bloke then asked for the drivers number in order to make a complaint the driver refused so the bloke then tried to take a photo at this the driver got out of his cab and basically squared up to the passenger and started shouting that he better not take his picture. The bloke was remarkably restrained as the driver was in his face and pointing and shouting at him. And explained he is legally allowed to take a picture and all he required was the drivers number


My issue is should the driver have let the passenger on if the pass was valid ( paper counterstubs are being phased out so what do drivers do when there is a card error)

Should the driver have given his details (driver number)

Also only the other week a bus driver was attacked so should the driver have put himself in danger by getting out of the cab and by abusing the passenger potentially put himself in danger?


Assuming that the bus was a First bus you should report this yourself to the company giving as many details and description of the driver as possible so he can be traced. His response cannot be condoned under any circumstances and you would be doing every other bus user a service by making his employers aware.

I always report bad behaviour by drivers and I also report good behaviour too...as I did yesterday afternoon when a driver saw me running for the bus on Leopold Street and, despite having closed the doors, waited for me and then waited to drive off until I had taken my seat.


I have no idea why the practice of drivers wearing a PSV badge with their number on ceased and perhaps someone should consider bringing the badges back. In the future anyone wishing to report similar instances of poor service can always take the bus number which is displayed an the front of the vehicle.


Hope this helps.

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It is unusual for the driver to leave his cab!! as I am sure they know that this goes against their policies, I am sure that I have read or heard that they should remain in the cab at all times, unless their is an emergency or driver changeover etc.

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Wow I can't beleive how this changed ??? I was on this bus and I saw quite a different event! The pass holder wasn't prepared to listen to anything being sAid to him by the driver and was very stubborn,in my opinion he was under the influence of alcohol and quite arsey with the driver (because his team had lost ?) the driver explained clearly and offered to call management but it was falling on deaf ears I'm afraid,as for taking photos well I don't want people taking photos of me legal or illegally at least out in the street we can have a choice but not on a bus please !!!!! Bus drivers do a very difficult job with awkward people and circumstances and they are solely in charge of that vehicle and passenger saferry and its my guess the pass holder would have had difficulty with his pass previously and ought to change his pass for future problem free trAvel..

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