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3 UK schoolgirls "travelling to Syria"

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In my short time on this forum I've found that some on here just like to twist misconstrue and concoct.


A bit rich coming from you. It's not a short time, you've been on here for many years spouting the same rubbish, hence the need for a new alias every month or so.


On the cannabis topic some are so deluded they class someone who eats chocolate and drinks tea and coffee the same as someone who takes illegal drugs.


The problem is that you lack intelligence. Hence why you think the above, you are incapable of understanding what they're actually saying.


---------- Post added 02-03-2015 at 13:14 ----------


Oh shut up you blouse.


Rumbled :hihi:

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But..unlike the girls in Rotherham who were groomed and entranced by evil men these girls were well educated and not vulnerable. They may have been "groomed" by videos of black clad ISIS warriors charging about in their jeeps but nobody in Britain could have missed the story of Alan Henning.


My point was, that a number of the children involved in the Rotherham scandal were perceived to have been "difficult" children whose own behaviour often brought them to the attention of the authorities.


As a result, when these children were abused the authorities turned their backs on their responsibilities towards the children and found any excuse not to investigate the abuse, and many were quoted as believing that children were even complicit in their own abuse.


The phrase that a social services whistle blower said was used to describe the abuse was scum on scum crime.


A similar attitude is being shown towards these children involved in this case.

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James Patrick Bulger (16 March 1990 – 12 February 1993) was a boy from Kirkby, Merseyside, England, who was murdered on 12 February 1993, at the age of two. He was abducted, tortured and murdered by two ten-year-old boys, Robert Thompson (born 23 August 1982) and Jon Venables (born 13 August 1982)


Society is always outraged when children (and to a lesser extent, women) commit acts (such as killing) which are normally the preserve of adult men.


It has always struck me as odd that many people see fit to label children who kill as more wicked than adults who do the same thing. Surely (if we are trying to determine comparitive 'evil'), it would be logical to conclude that children like Venables and Thompson are less responsible for their actions than adults who murder; they are, in the end only the products of their genes, their parents, their upbringing and their communities. They are less self-aware and they have not had time to develop much of a moral compass. If most children do not kill animals or other children for 'amusement/power', it is because their parents have socialised them out of doing that. I do not believe that anyone is born wicked, although we are all born with the potential for committing evil. Adults at least have probably made a more conscious choice about it than 10 year olds would.


I do not think Venables' and Thompsons' actions are relevant here, though. The misguided girls who have fled to join IS have been brainwashed via the very technology which IS claims to denounce.

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Accusing someone of justifying rape is a pretty low allegation, the fact that your more than happy to throw hurtful allegations without actually having no proof is telling.


It was obviously beyond you to put up an argument to counter my claim, so instead you threw about a little bit of smelly mud instead, it does say everything that people need to know about you.


He ain't called "filth" for nowt.

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