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Rotherham Council NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE


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South Yorkshire Police has covered up abuse on a “massive” scale in the former industrial city turned multicultural melting-pot, a retired veteran police officer has claimed, remarking in an interview the abuse was “bigger than Rotherham”.


The revelation by the former officer, who served for thirty years, could be yet another in a long line of emerging child sex scandals in predominantly northern English cities with sizeable Pakistani populations. It is not the first such revelation for South Yorkshire Police, who also failed to detect and prosecute criminal abuse in the city of Rotherham, where 1,400 known girls were trafficked and raped by a network of criminals using take-away shops and minicab firms to enable their activities.


A Sheffield city council employee tasked with tracking child sex abuse has claimed almost 700 children were referred to the police in just two years, but not a single prosecution was made on the back of the information passed to the police.


Retired constable Tony Brooks has come forward with the allegations, and has said South Yorkshire Police have long known that girls as young as twelve – putting them into the most serious category of sex abuse – were being raped, but chose not to act on the information they had, effectively creating a cover-up. Claiming 200 girls were reported to have been abused in just a three year period in the city, he told the BBC “The size of the exploitation was massive in Sheffield.


“We offered to form a unit to continue the work – we offered to advertise our work so girls would come forward. We were told, ‘it’s not going to happen, return to your districts.”


“He said to me, ‘go and spend an hour or two with each girl and find out what’s happened to them and tell them there’s not enough evidence to go on”. The officer refused to follow the order.


Police analyst Gary Birchall, who also spoke to the BBC, expressed his disbelief after he learnt of the extent of the cover-up. He was asked as part of his work to look into a special operation run by the South Yorkshire Police, and paid for by Sheffield city council which was tasked with looking into child sex abuse. He found that despite it having been specifically requested and funded to the tune of £50,000, the operation had been shelved almost immediately with officers reassigned to other work.


He requested a “full investigation” into the failure, but his call went unheeded. Speaking on the matter, he said: “I got a call telling me the operation’s been shelved. I said it can’t be shelved, there’s evidence here that children are being trafficked, being sexually abused. There isn’t a superlative that describes how I felt then or how I feel now. Utter, utter, disbelief.”


---------- Post added 06-05-2015 at 18:58 ----------


Labour are a shoe in again I`m afraid


Is the above a new news iten? I don't think I have seen that, but assumed that as Sheffied is a bigger city, we would potentially have a bigger problem than Rotherham.

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Yes. That's why the blinkered PC-fixated attitude, paying no heed to the abused children's plight, is so depressing; and also why Labour in Rotherham might soon be out on its ear.

I hope your right, would not mind betting they will get voted in again, just my view.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm watching this now, it's pretty grim stuff. The programme talks of a white woman convert named shabina ali who played a part in exploiting the girls some as young as 12, it's pretty horrendous stuff. The police at the time were totally useless and blame was attached to the girls, why has this been allowed to carry on for such a long time? I'm surprised that there hasn't been a public outcry at this what is wrong with people that they don't care, are these young girls lives worth nothing?

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. . . what is wrong with people that they don't care, are these young girls lives worth nothing?


in the eyes of the police and the local councillors, yes.


The police judged the girls to be willing participants in the abuse.

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i know from personal experience that a social worker was told to let girls leave homes any time of day or night, as physically stopping them would breach there rights.... and when the girls came in at 5am all the staff could do was ask if they were hungry...


this is disgusting and it really makes my blood boil... i think we need to give the race of anyone caught or accused of or convicted of child sex abuse....


everyone knew what was going on ...

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