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Stannington bus terminal claims its first victim


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The new moronic road layout of the stannington bus terminus has claimed its first victim, the island jutting out halfway into the road has wrote off its first car after being finished less than two weeks.


Which idiot thought it would be a good idea? That junction is bad enough with idiot drivers as it is.

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There will be a big accident before long at the new junction due to there being no ballard signposts at the top protrusion into the road.Strangely at the bottom protrusion there are two ballard posts in position.Coming down Oldfield road yesterday,a car suddenly swung out without warning to avoid the new pavement area and nearly drove into the front of me.This is a very serious situation and I would not like to think I was responsible for the lack of warning.

Buses have already been tried and stopped on Church street due to the obvious danger!

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The new moronic road layout of the stannington bus terminus has claimed its first victim, the island jutting out halfway into the road has wrote off its first car after being finished less than two weeks.


Which idiot thought it would be a good idea? That junction is bad enough with idiot drivers as it is.


Totally agree!

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I drove there recently for the first time since the layout has changed and very nearly collided with the new kerb and that was in broad daylight and good visibility. A bollard or even painting the kerb bright yellow would be helpful - this would take one council worker with a pot of yellow paint two minutes just as a temporary measure.

Anyone hitting that kerb at speed could be seriously injured.

P.s., - does anyone living nearby have a pot of brightly coloured paint ? - not joking.

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I can't for the life of me understand what on earth the idiot Traffic Engineers at the Council were trying to achieve here. At the very least there ought to be some proper give-way markings on the uphill side of the road, to warn drivers that they need to stop when there is oncoming traffic coming down the hill. They really have not thought this one through in any way.


In any case it's not as if the buses needed any additional space or protection with the layout as it was before. It seems like yet another "campaign against he private car driver". "Let's make it more difficult for private motorists and give more road space to buses". What a bunch of clowns they are!

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I drove there recently for the first time since the layout has changed and very nearly collided with the new kerb and that was in broad daylight and good visibility. A bollard or even painting the kerb bright yellow would be helpful - this would take one council worker with a pot of yellow paint two minutes just as a temporary measure.

Anyone hitting that kerb at speed could be seriously injured.

P.s., - does anyone living nearby have a pot of brightly coloured paint ? - not joking.


Totally agree with the above - as you are leaving Stannington heading towards Bingley Lane, the bit on Oldfield Road that sticks right out is almost invisible at night - it needs AT LEAST a lit bollard although to be fair I think it was better left as it was. What exactly was the problem that made some bright traffic planning spark think that this was a good idea ? Did anyone die before at this junction ? Now it has been made incredibly dangerous and the really really stupid thing is that where the bit juts out - no-one has had the intelligence to make it double yellow lines (outside nos 304/302/300 Oldfield Rd) opposite so people actually park there to make it just that little bit more exciting. Of all the traffic engineer decisions I've seen in recent years, this has to be the most stupid and I believe highly dangerous.

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