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PCC election- get out there and vote!!


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nice try idiot , I can think of a lot more things that are considered crass and offensive in any circles . running with your tail between your legs ? bye


You have completely missed the point rossy was trying to put over to you,so i will now repeat your words back to you....IDIOT.... try reading his posts again,you never know the penny might finally drop.:roll:

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I hope I stay immature forever , just as long as I don't turn into a condescending fool with an addled brain. Very mature of you to use the death of people to " get my attention"


AGAIN i will state,you have completely missed the point he was trying to make,so get down off your high horse and read his posts again,you might get it then,i will give you a clue,blaming labour for the child grooming because it happened on their watch is like blaming syp for........................:roll:

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I hope I stay immature forever , just as long as I don't turn into a condescending fool with an addled brain. Very mature of you to use the death of people to " get my attention"


Oh I do believe you will be granted your wish, I see nothing to make me suspect any different.

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I hope I stay immature forever , just as long as I don't turn into a condescending fool with an addled brain. Very mature of you to use the death of people to " get my attention"


Blimey! What elegant arguments are to be found in this thread. Do you two ever actually get above the level of playground threats and arguments?


Ye gods!


The whole Police Commissioner system is deeply flawed and should be scrapped.


As it's here, I'm pleased that someone of the quality of Alan Billings, with the local knowledge and experience he brings, has been prepared to stand after initially missing out on the Labour nomination to a 'machine' politician from Rotherham.


Well done, Alan, and thank you for giving us one decent option.


The thought of the barely articulate, ex-community policeman in Rotherham (who was so good at his job that he, too, missed all the local corruption and exploitation of under-age girls) Ukip candidate being involved in the role of Police Commissioner for South Yorkshire is deeply scary. His appearance on last Sunday's BBC Politics show was ample evidence of his inability to construct an argument, and to speak clearly and coherently. We've had a narrow escape.


If there was a god, I'd be thanking him/her right now....

Edited by Sugar Tiler
poor spelling & grammar
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Keep voting the same.....keep getting the same......don't moan about the scandals.






I'll start to moan when the facists and racists are in power. Until then I'll keep quiet, turn out on election day and make my mark against them.

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Yep. He has admitted himself that he stood at the urging of David Blunkett who's deputy he was at Sheffield Council. He is very, very much linked to people who were in government when Rotherham was allowed to happen. Believe me, this man will be most concerned with continuing the cover up and minimizing the crimes.


---------- Post added 31-10-2014 at 19:41 ----------


Incidentally he has already mislead the electorate. His website trumpted his role of on the Youth Crime Board but completely failed to mention that he was Blunkett's deputy and the deputy leader of Sheffield Council, another council which has questions to answer about's it's handling of the affair.


Yes. He was a board member on The Youth Crime Board (2004 - 2012) overseeing criminal justice for the under 18s' and yet his name has never come up as ever having done anything for these young girls at the time! What makes anyone think he'll do so now?

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Just how low can people sink to?


My team have lost so I'm taking the ball in.


Please read what you are writing before pushing the submit button.


That's not the case though - it's not like all those on here against the Labour win are either Tories, UKIP or LD... there clearly wasn't a credible and politically independent option to select, so the vast majority either spoiled their vote or didn't even waste their time over this shambles.

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I agree with you entirely, you make a good point and put it over sensibly and not in the form of a rant accusing candidates of ignoring every crime ever carried out.


---------- Post added 01-11-2014 at 10:02 ----------


Sour grapes make the finest whines, in my experience :hihi:


Just spotted it. :hihi: :hihi:

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