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Speed Camera speed limit change, Ecclesfield Road

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I'm all for an appropriate speed limit for whichever road, but these roads that the limit changes every few yards are so annoying.


I wonder how many accidents have been caused by drivers constantly looking at their speedometer so that they don't get a fine from rip-off councils?


Sheffield drivers must be the most vigilant in the country with all the "change speed" roads we have.


Pity they don't use the money they make to repair the roads or clean the rubbish from them for that matter.

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Apparently the new 30 signs were put up sometime Friday pm, and the old 40 signs removed from the bottom of Cowley View Road at the same time. New 40 signs have also been erected just past the school as you go over the brow of the hill towards Ecclesfield, and 30 the over way.


I came up Chapeltown Road to Chap Friday afternoon and do not recall any signs being up at 2pm, and I'm a reasonably careful driver, so if they were there then the cameras got me. Strangely enough the wife and I walked down to Ecclesfield last weekend and we only commented then that the speed limit changes had not been made, and then, hey presto here they are (they were planned as part of the road renewal) !!


I also play football at the school on Fridays and had been told by a mate at around 5pm Friday that the speed limit had changed. I came out of Park View Road on to Ecco Road which has always been a 30 zone, and then noticed the 40 signs at CV Road had been removed. The first notice you get that it is now 30 is 10 yards before the cameras when a small 30 sign has appeared below the camera sign.


Dont get me wrong - I agree it should be 30 past a school, BUT, surely some temp signs should have been put up to tell/warn drivers of the change - maybe that happens this week coming!!


Finally my lad says he's seen it on the council website that the cameras will not be changed to 30 until Friday 12/9 - I cant find this, so not sure if its true or not, but that may help some.


Hope this helps, but slow down is the underlying message on that road.



Bold - Anyone know where this info can be confirmed

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I just find it pretty sly that they're allowed to do this with no warning.


I didn't think they were. Round here there's just been a big change in number of streets from 30mph to 20, and every street was listed in the public notices section of the Liverpool Echo and on the council website.

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When you have been using the same road on an almost daily basis or even several times a day for 40 odd years would you check the signs every journey to see if they had changed? I don't think so.


How would you expect to learn about a change happening?


---------- Post added 08-09-2014 at 14:15 ----------


The point is though that if it was done purely from the perspective of making the roads safer by slowing drivers down, then they would make sure everyone on the road knew about it - rather than slyly changing a sign or two without giving the motorists any advance warning...that suggests it's done to catch out people to earn money, rather than make them drive more slowly.


When many of the bus lanes have been made active, they've had big yellow advanced warning signs well in advance so that there should be no misunderstandings - for something as important as this must be, then they could easily have done the same?


Some 30 signs added and some 40 signs removed / repositioned.

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I'm all for an appropriate speed limit for whichever road, but these roads that the limit changes every few yards are so annoying.


I wonder how many accidents have been caused by drivers constantly looking at their speedometer so that they don't get a fine from rip-off councils?


Sheffield drivers must be the most vigilant in the country with all the "change speed" roads we have.


Pity they don't use the money they make to repair the roads or clean the rubbish from them for that matter.


Probably fewer than are caused by dozy drivers driving on autopilot with little knowledge of what's ahead and around them by which I mean that they don't ACTIVELY seek out information. Instead, they wait until it hits them in the face (sometimes literally).

Edited by DT Ralge
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If people can't see the new 30 signs, how likely is it that they would have seen any advance notice signs?

Couldn't agree more.


As for the fools who think it's a money making scam...shhh don't say I've told you but I know how to scam them back. SLOW DOWN!


I live in 30mph zone just after a camera and the people that slow down for the camera then floor it only to be held up by the lights 100yds later is unbelievable. What is the point? My dad hit someone many many years ago through no fault of his and he still thinks about the lad now. Imagine if it was your fault I.e speeding or not being aware of your surroundings and god forgive you kill someone could you live with yourself wondering if those extra minutes could have spared all involved the grief?

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If you are travelling from Chapeltown to Ecclesfield, all they have done is remove the 40mph signs. There are no new 30mph signs, just nothing. Then when you have passed the cameras, lo and behold, there they are :o


So for all those who are stating that I should have seen the new signs and should be super alert and not 'Dozy,' come on, be reasonable. It's a school! so I am taking more notice of people crossing the road, pulling up without indicating and driving straight out into the road, than scanning the road sides for missing signs.


If you are coming from Ecclesfield then I agree, you should see the new 30 signs, but the other way? This is just the sort of thing that is destroying the respect that people have, of the law.


I do agree that having a 30mph from the city centre, all the way to a school where it becomes 40, then goes back to 30 almost to the bridge over the M1, is ludicrous. It should be a 30, but to catch people out like this smacks of slyness and underhand tactics.

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