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Everything posted by bears9h

  1. Abbey glass, I've bought loads over the years for next doors greenhouse when my lad kicks the ball at it, I think i paid around a fiver last time.
  2. Ok my last comment, kids were presented with a bill showing £189.00 + 10% showing a total of £208 and a few pence, kids asked if they had to pay the total £208, answer yes, but we only have £205 scraped together, don't worry says the waiter I'll put the extra £3.00. Girls leave. I go down next day with tail between legs NOT feeling ever so guilty NOT to quite reasonably ask very politely for an explanation, manageress and waiter come to see me with a reciept showing £200.00 paid change £10.60 kids never got any change(not expecting any because the very nice waiter paid their shortfall NOT) offering to now give me £10.60 back that the kids said they didn't want. Now you could think that the kids tried to pull a fast one being tight, but as far as I know you don't know any of the kids so couldn't comment on there honesty, or it could be that the waiter tried to pull a fast one pocketing the whole tip not declaring it, could be on to a good earner! Don't need many bills like that a week to boost your income. But as I also said is was about the principal not the money, I told them to keep it if he was happy too, and the kids have learnt a lesson and won't be eating there again.
  3. Did you not read the part where the kids did question it and were told they had too pay it but they didn't have enough so the waiter would put the extra £3.00 into his own tip? When I visited F and B they said it was a misunderstanding and offered a refund, I declined and told them to keep it if he was happy too. The kids learnt a lesson and won't be eating there again. Oh forgot to mention the receipt that I was shown showed no service charge just £189.00. It also said reprinted on it. Make of that what you will.
  4. I'm glad someone half agrees, I also tip when I go for a meal IF I GET MORE THAN I EXPECT SERVICE, the point is it is optional they were told they had to pay and that as they were short the waiter would make up the difference. The bill was £189 + 10% optional , Around £208 they questioned this the waiter said no they had to pay, they only had £205, the waiter said don't worry I'll put the extra £3.00 in. Well that was good of him considering he was going to get the £19.00 back!!
  5. Well here's the follow up, they questioned the bill with the waiter because they were short of the final amount, he said yes you have to pay it but don't worry he would put in the short change!!! Now if that's not cheating the kids out of the money what is. " oh yes I'll put the rest of my town tip in" but hey ho some people on here seem to think questioning right from wrong is wrong. That's maybe half the problem with society roll over and take a kicking.
  6. That's the point they hadn't seen the optional bit just the menu price so when they came home and told me what they had been told as to why the bill was higher than they expected they didn't argue, maybe it's common practice because when I phoned up there was no argument I asked is it optional or compulsory the reply "optional", so I asked why were they told it was compulsory, "they shouldn't have been, would you like the money refunding to your card or collect the cash" was the immediate answer. Guilty!
  7. I guess you are in an argumentative mood, the reason as stated several times is that it is supposed to be optional not compulsory as the girls were told.
  8. Got to say I hate tipping, I do my job to the best of my ability and get paid a salary, I occasionally get a cheers mate for the fast turn around but I don't get or expect a tip for doing my job.
  9. The service was fine, the bill was £189 + an "optional" 10% which the kids were told they "HAD" to pay. So out of principle, yes I am going to get the £19.00 tip back and give it to the relevant kids.
  10. Yes I phoned the Manageress who immediately offered a refund, which I am collecting tomorrow, and giving back to the girls. Thanks for all the responses. ---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 22:07 ---------- The thing was not all had enough money, some had the right money, so the odd one ended up being down by a fiver, which to me and you might not be a lot but my 14 year old it is.
  11. Well the waitress that served this party forgot to mention the word"OPTIONAL"
  12. Quick response, easy answer I should have phoned them full refund being given, yes it was eye ripping.
  13. My daughter (14 years old) has just returned from Frankie and Bennys from a birthday party, 14 people went the bill was around the £189.00 mark when they came to pay they were told there was a compulsory surcharge of 10% can anyone tell me if this is correct, as the kids chose their meals on what they could afford not realising the extra charge at the end. If this is legal why not just put on the cost at the beginning? Or have they just seen a group of kids and ripped their eyes out?
  14. we are both runing 5.0.2, just had this response from Google. by the way we have tried all this as well. Thank you for contacting Google. My name is Deven and I'm a hardware specialist. I Understand how frustrating a poorly functioning Nexus 7 is, and would like to help you out. Below are some steps that you can take to help your tablet out. Some of the steps may seem a bit redundant if you've tried any troubleshooting steps already. Step 1: Check to make sure that the issue is not a slow connection. If your device mainly seems slow when loading webpages or using cloud services, the issue might be with the data connection rather than the device itself. If you're connecting through a cellular network, contact your provider for additional assistance. If you're connecting through Wi-Fi, check with your system administrator. You can also try using a different Wi-Fi network that you have access to. If your device is slow when running all apps and tasks, continue to the next step. Step 2: Close unused apps and restart. Having too many apps running in the background can cause your device to run slowly. Closing them and/or restarting your device can improve its performance. To close apps individually: At the bottom of the screen, touch the Recent Apps button (it looks like a pair of overlapping rectangles). Your device will display all the currently running or recently used apps as a stack of screens. Swipe them left or right to close them. To restart the device: While your device is on, hold down the Power button on the side of the device until the Power Off prompt appears. Touch Power off. Touch OK. When the device is completely off, press and hold the Power button on the device again to turn it back on. Try using your device again. If its performance hasn't improved, continue to the next step. Step 3: Check available storage. If a device has too little free memory, it can affect its performance. Devices should have at least one gigabyte of storage space available for optimal usage. To check available storage: Go to Settings. Under "Device," touch Storage. Look at how much "Available" space is left on the device. You can free up space by deleting unused apps, or backing up your photos and videos and removing them from the device. Afterwards, try restarting it and testing its performance again. If your device already has enough available storage, or freeing up space and restarting did not solve the issue, continue to the next step. Step 4: Clear the app cache. Accumulated app data may cause your device to run slowly. To clear the app cache: Go to Settings. Under "Device," touch Storage. Touch Cached data, and then touch OK to confirm. After clearing the app cache, try restarting and using your device again. If performance has not improved, continue to the next step. Step 5: Clear the system cache. System data may also cause performance issues. The instructions necessary to clear the system cache vary depending on what kind of device you have: Nexus devices: Using the "Reset device in Recovery mode" section of this article, follow steps 1 through 5 for your device, and then select "wipe cache partition" during step 6. Google Play edition devices: On this article, use the "Reset device in Recovery Mode" instructions for your device, but select "wipe cache partition" instead of "wipe data/factory reset". Step 6: Reset your device to factory settings. If the previous troubleshooting steps haven't solved the issue, you can try factory resetting your device. The following pages will guide you through the reset process for your particular device: Nexus devices Google Play Edition devices Optional step: Unroot device, if applicable. Using modified versions of the Android OS on your device can cause unexpected issues, and restoring your device to an unmodified version of Android can be a useful troubleshooting step. If you would like to restore your device to a stock version, you can use the official factory images hosted on the Android Developers page to restore your device. However, before you restore your device, we recommend that you back up your data. You can back up your data to Cloud services, or transfer your files directly to a computer using USB. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to respond directly to this email. Also, you can call us toll at 1(855)836-3987 or at the following link: support.google.com. Thanks, Deven The Google Support Team
  15. Hi all, we have 2 nexus 7s both 2012 my wife got her update over the air and hers was terrible, so without thinking of googling it first when mine came through over the air a day or so later I said see what happens with mine and BOOM! there went mine too. I have tried alsorts factory resets clearing caches. they are both absolutley shocking now, freezing all the time shutting down and powering back up, taking ages to power up. Then googled it and found that a hell of a lot of people with 2012 nexus 7s were having problems, ours are both still no good, the other half is thinking of getting an iPad instead now but why should I/we have to pay out for a new tablet through no fault of our own. seems abysmal the lack of support, I have seen something about re flashing to take it back to KitKat but been told there are risks. Any advice please.
  16. We don't have any intentions of moving, but why would the fact that mine were free and you bought yours be any better or worse when selling the house? who ever buys either house would get some free electric the panels stay on no matter which. I think if you bought them a few years ago then the FIT was around the 40-50p mark, having said that they probably cost even more then and maybe were not as efficient. I did also wonder whether in future as they get better if ASG would/could do a free upgrade?
  17. Still not sure why you think the free ones are stupid? by my reckoning you COULD make £50 a year profit after paying for the loan and including your returns. Do you have to pay for any maintainance or extra insurance?
  18. We have a pond, fishtank and a vivarium which are on all day, 2 freezers and a fridge plus the otherhalf is in so kettle on and off, iron of and off, tv on most of day and the waher is on at least once a day. and we save around £300 a year so if you add that to your money back you would get £75.00 a month to cover the loan. A quick look at a laon calculator say £6500 over 10 years for around £70 a month ---------- Post added 02-02-2015 at 18:17 ---------- Of coarse if you are using more than you are genrating you will still be paying the extra if you have say the kettle and the iron on at the same time as the washer then you would be using more than you are generating.
  19. The FIT is the money you get for generating the electric not sure what the extra money is you are getting. As I said with ours we generated around 3500 kwh per year so even at 16.88p you would get around £590 a year + what electric you can use whilst generating it, assuming you have a 4Kw system fitted. Which would mean your loan payments don't want to be above £50.00 a month. would it be rude to ask what size system and how much you paid?
  20. After listening to Hallam most of the day I am expecting some kind of apocalyptic blizzard.
  21. Not sure what you are on but... A follow on from my earlier post I now have my log in details and over 18 months have produced 5722 KWh so an average of 3433 a year so ASG will get 3422 X FIT I get to use what I can Approx £300 worth for nothing hows that a con? I havent tried to sell and have no intentions of but did speak with my mortgage provider before accepting it and I was told it's not a problem. As for 140years if you buy if the FIT is around 14p then you would get around £480 a year back + what Electric you can use in my case £300 so thats £780 a year if the system is around £8000 then 10 years its paid off and you start to make a profit so after 20 years I have saved £6000 and the person that has bought them has made £7800 I think!
  22. Without my log in details I cant say for sure but it seems a 4Kw system will return you about £450.00 a year + the £300 I'm saving. so If you have to borrow the money to buy them you are looking at at least 10 years before you have paid for them and make a profit? I think its probably swings and roundabouts unless you have the money sat in the bank.
  23. Not sure how you can say the "rent a roof scheme is stupid" as FREE is FREE. And as you have only had yours since Dec 2014 you have no idea until the 1st year is up how much you will get. Out of interest we have a "rent a roof " set up 4kW set up and save around £300.00 a year after 2 years of having them. Not sure how much it its to buy a system nowadays and insure/maintain it? ---------- Post added 16-01-2015 at 19:10 ---------- Not sure what the feed in tariff is now, just tried logging into my ASG account(forgot details) to see exactly how much we have produced, to give an idea of what could have been earnt against buying them. If anyone can tell me how much a 4Kw system is fitted and what the FIT is. ---------- Post added 16-01-2015 at 19:23 ---------- Heres another question that I asked at the time but didn't get an answer to, as time is going by the cost and effeciency of panels is getting cheaper and better. I asked the question would they possibly be replaced in the future as an upgrade not sure if they would or not but surely it would/could benefit them to put better panels on in maybe 5- 10 years time and produce more electricity in the same roof area?
  24. I believe you get paid for all what is generated regardless of how much you use! We got the free ones from ASG they monitor them for problems and insure them. As for only being any good if you are in all day that's rubbish, I have a pond,fishtank, vivarium 1 fridge and 2 freezers which are all running regardless of someone being in the house. So on a good day they are all running for free. If you only got what is fed back in then they would never get much back from me whether sunny or not.
  25. What colour was it, I know a lad that works with me(well he turns up most days) had an old one he bought for next to nothing or so he says, reckons he sold it on, but he has more cars than I do pairs of socks.
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