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Wasters wanting 4 bedroom house for their 6 kids

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Just been watching breakfast TV & a couple on 26 grand benefits & have 6 kids , they were accidents apparently !!! ,want a 4 bedroom house because the one they have now is too cramped. Neither of the parents have worked since 2005 & it get right on my nerves. Why on earth do these waste of space have 6 flaming kids . They should be providing for their own kids & get to work .How the hell can 6 kids all be an accident :mad:

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this would be the ones from the metro as well that claimed to have tried all types of contraception but the doctor told them she was just super fertile:hihi: really:suspect:??


Not tried ALL types have they? How about him going for the chop, quick and painless, or she could have it if he is too much of a wimp

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That will be the mainstream media doing what it does best - scouring the country to find an extreme instance and then printing it as representational of unemployed people as a whole - just to give that downward prejudice a boost. Meanwhile it's business as usual for finance executives, big business and millionaires - tax avoidance on an astonishing scale.


Does tax avoidance get right on your nerves?

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Not tried ALL types have they? How about him going for the chop, quick and painless, or she could have it if he is too much of a wimp


I am not totally convinced they tried condoms.....unless they meant they put them on their heads whilst having sex:D

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Oh look, the right using the media and trying to influence public opinion against people on benefits ... Now there's a surprise.


I wonder if the government would care to explain why benefits are being cut for the most vulnerable in society but they have said no to a mansion tax, no to a tax on multiple homes, no to a cap on bankers bonuses, yes to a cut in the top rate of tax only when the poor have a 1% freeze on working tax credits, no to a subsidy cut for food and no to persuing individual tory party donators for tax avoidance, why IDS is denying benefits and carers allowances to cancer carers yet he had seven months off work on full pay to care for his wife who had breast cancer?

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They're gaming the system. Can't blame them for it, really.


It's the system that needs changing, for forcing such people to become more responsible (since they apparently won't, of their own accord).


Stop any additional child-related benefits after 2nd child, no social housing stock to exceed 3 bedrooms. Simples, and noone is (unduly-) penalised.


Then such (thankfully rare) occurrences will simply cease to happen.


I wonder if the government would care to explain why benefits are being cut for the most vulnerable in society but they have said no to a mansion tax, no to a tax on multiple homes, no to a cap on bankers bonuses, yes to a cut in the top rate of tax only when the poor have a 1% freeze on working tax credits, no to a subsidy cut for food and no to persuing individual tory party donators for tax avoidance, why IDS is denying benefits and carers allowances to cancer carers yet he had seven months off work on full pay to care for his wife who had breast cancer?
Because the more affluent section of the UK society already pays more than its fair share to sustain the less affluent section of the UK society.


90% of (personal-) taxation revenue paid by 10% of taxpayers, remember that statistic?


Too much tax kills tax income, remember the Laffer Curve?


If you want more than "enough to subsist on", go and get it yourself, neither society nor the State owes it to you.

Edited by L00b
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No I don't like tax evasion either but that wasn't my point . My point was why on earth have these wasters had 6 kids & expect us to carry them . There are lots of different forms of contraception out there ,but if she is super fertile then I agree , " GET THE SNIP " ! . I don't believe for one minute this couple didn't know what they were doing . I know lets have lots of kids & claim benefits then we don't have to work . Yes I agree this is an extreme case but it wont be the last either . :mad:

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