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Do we really need all the 'stuff' we have in life?

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Ok, give us a list of all the stuff you think you ought to dispose of (if you think you don't need it), plus the stuff you intend to keep.


I'm sure Halibut won't mind me kicking things off in response to your question. Halibut would definitely keep the framed photos of his Grandma and when he was a Scout leader,

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Ok, give us a list of all the stuff you think you ought to dispose of (if you think you don't need it), plus the stuff you intend to keep.


Clutter for a start. Unfortunately I have that insecure mentality that hates getting rid of anything 'in case it comes in handy.'


I just threw away a whole collection of classic books on cassette tape and VHS video tapes. Nobody wanted them (I tried obvious places) but it felt so wrong putting them in the bin.

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As I said, I have no problem with people wanting all the 'stuff', but it must be stressful feeling the need to constantly have the next new gadget or latest clothes. I have never been like that, that's why my mortgage is up in 2 years..I was happy with the first house I bought and never had the desire to move. I overpaid the mortgage when I could afford to which means at 45 I'm ready to move and enjoy an easier life. I really wish I had done this years ago, it just took a simple holiday to bring the realisation to me.

I have considered the family and friends thing and am happy to move and enjoy even the winter days and nights by the sea!

If the accumulation of 'stuff' makes you happy, then carry on, but if it all has to go one day can you stay happy? I know I can be happy with very little now and the thought makes me smile inwardly.

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You're confusing need with want Carosio.


No, I'm quite aware of the difference, I was just intrigued to discover which possessions he thought he (or others) needed.


For example, he might need a phone because of his job or to contact a distant relative, or a new car because he's a taxi driver, or a Rolls Royce because he supplies cars for weddings, or an expensive camera because he's a wildlife photographer, etc etc.

Edited by carosio
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Some luxury items become a need, for example, I wouldn't be able to live without designer clothes, my smart phone, my computer and especially my expensive aftershave, which when I splash it on makes me smell of rich mahogany. That smell is a reminder that I am a big deal and better than other people.


Except it isn't really, is it? I'm a perfume collector and am pretty discerning with my purchases. I usually smell a cut above too, but I rarely spend more than £20 on a bottle of perfume, mostly because I don't have the money to spend more.


You can smell pretty wonderful on a very meagre budget if you know where to go, but how you smell is no marker of the content of your character or bank balance anyway.


In answer to the OP, I'd find it hard to leave my perfume collection and some of my really good minerals behind, but that's just because I like them and it wouldn't threaten me as a person to be without them. I don't think we need 'stuff' to be happy, which is good because I'm too broke to buy expensive 'stuff' most of the time.

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but how you smell is no marker of the content of your character or bank balance anyway.


How do you figure that, some perfumes and aftershaves are very expensive. I have a nose for such smells, I regularly judge people on how they smell, and 99% of the time I'm right.

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How do you figure that, some perfumes and aftershaves are very expensive. I have a nose for such smells, I regularly judge people on how they smell, and 99% of the time I'm right.


Right about what? The aftershave they use, or do you judge people's character / wealth based on what they use?


Serious question, smells are highly evocative.

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Right about what? The aftershave they use, or do you judge people's character / wealth based on what they use?


Right about the type of person they are, status, and whether I want to be around them again. You can tell a lot about a person and their choice of smell. Do you know how many men and women wear a day time scent in the evening and an evening scent in the daytime. It's quite ridiculous and that mistake alone is very telling of someones class and social status. Also, women often select their perfumes incorrectly in general. They choose what they feel smells nice but to a man can be very sickly sweet. If a woman gets her perfume right when attracting a man, he will think of her for days after, not being able to get her out of his mind, but it's the lovely scent he can't forget. Powerful stuff.

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Some luxury items become a need, for example, I wouldn't be able to live without designer clothes, my smart phone, my computer and especially my expensive aftershave, which when I splash it on makes me smell of rich mahogany. That smell is a reminder that I am a big deal and better than other people.


Hmm, I see you're about as deep as a puddle if a person gets the right aftershave it'll make them smell nice some can't afford expensive ones. Also buying designer gear makes you sound rather pretentious, and smartphone and computer.


I have aftershave nice as well, a laptop also, but I don't big myself up over it.:)



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