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Everything posted by Behemoth

  1. Right about the type of person they are, status, and whether I want to be around them again. You can tell a lot about a person and their choice of smell. Do you know how many men and women wear a day time scent in the evening and an evening scent in the daytime. It's quite ridiculous and that mistake alone is very telling of someones class and social status. Also, women often select their perfumes incorrectly in general. They choose what they feel smells nice but to a man can be very sickly sweet. If a woman gets her perfume right when attracting a man, he will think of her for days after, not being able to get her out of his mind, but it's the lovely scent he can't forget. Powerful stuff.
  2. How do you figure that, some perfumes and aftershaves are very expensive. I have a nose for such smells, I regularly judge people on how they smell, and 99% of the time I'm right.
  3. That's how all forums work. Have you ever been on a forum that didn't work like this?
  4. So my question is, is Pete liked so much because he actually does nothing, sits on the fence, shuffles papers, upsets no one. Maybe Pete is good cop and rides the coat tales of bad cops. This definitely needs looking into further I feel. It may be a thankless task, but they signed up for it, what do they want thanking for? Thank you for deleting my thread. Thank you for deleting all my posts and wasting my time just because you personally happen to find something unacceptable or against your views. Thank you for banning me for no reason without warning. Thank you for passing judgement on what is and what isn't acceptable behaviour based on whether or not your partner shouted at you this morning. I could go on. Moderators aren't bad people of course, but I fail to see why they deserve praise. Literally anyone with a computer and fingers can mod a site. It isn't a talent, a vocation or anything of value, that's why they don't get paid. ---------- Post added 11-07-2013 at 18:40 ---------- I'm not trying to get the thread closed, but if it is, then you see my point. I'm totally on board the train of love for Pete Morris though, just because it appears to be fashionable.
  5. I'm sure Halibut won't mind me kicking things off in response to your question. Halibut would definitely keep the framed photos of his Grandma and when he was a Scout leader,
  6. I don't understand all this, "we do a thankless task" nonsense. People choose to mod a website, nobody puts a gun to their heads. If they then find out quite a lot of work is involved, they can either continue preferably without moaning or quit. What do they want thanking for? If all mods quit their roles tomorrow the forums wouldn't vanish, if anything they would probably become more interesting. As for un-modded sites that get spammed a lot, I personally like finding out about new places to buy viagra.
  7. Pete Morris should be given the key to the city.
  8. Some luxury items become a need, for example, I wouldn't be able to live without designer clothes, my smart phone, my computer and especially my expensive aftershave, which when I splash it on makes me smell of rich mahogany. That smell is a reminder that I am a big deal and better than other people.
  9. If your mortgage is paid up in 2 years, you could have bought a place by the sea more than a decade ago. You can certainly do it now, just release equity, buy the new place, rent out your old place, keep both, house prices rising soon, nice capital appreciation on both places, nice glass of wine by the sea. Lovely stuff.
  10. It just shows how little background checks they do on application. The girl who was fired last night, her company had a turnover which gave her a profit of £36,000 per year. She put on her application her company turned over £5,000,000. So basically, if you want to get on the apprentice, just lie, they don't check until the end.
  11. Oh I understand now. Had to do some google work. This explains dungeons and dragons. And some more
  12. I'll bet boothybabe is no stranger to doing runners out of joints without paying, high heels clicking down the road with a fag in her mouth eh boothybabe
  13. Cool. What music are you into then, do you Dj regularly around Sheffield?
  14. If you both meet up you could become fellow DJ's Why did you not take it any further Ghozer, it looks a lot of fun?
  15. Mike Tyson will be devastated when he reads this.
  16. An accountant? with tattoos? I hope you keep a check on your own money too if that's the case.
  17. From my experience with women, which is vast let me tell you, I've had my fair share of both blondes and brunettes, my findings are that blondes are crazy, terrible with money, big spenders and very demanding all round. Great in the bedroom. Use blondes correctly and you'll be well away, marry one and you're going to be in for a very rough ride. All those married to blondes, you have my deepest sympathies.
  18. Blondes for fun in the bedroom, brunettes for marriage and kids.
  19. I can't have been paying too much attention this year, that Luisa has 3 businesses, 1 turning over 1.5m, another producing 40k per month, and a 3rd thats done 100k. She is the real deal. All the rest are just wannabe's with ideas. She's done it. If you also look back over the the last few weeks, she's been so much stronger than the other girl in the final. Sugar will know that when push comes to shove, Luisa will make their business a success because she's done it already 3 times. It's a no contest surely.
  20. If so, they will of had critical mass membership numbers so once monetization was introduced their promises of revenue could be realised very quickly. If you can find someone to pay out big investment cash into an idea of a website with no revenue, no millions of free active members, then you need to find a fool with a pen. In this case of competing with ebay, the level of marketing cash alone needed to stand even zero chance of success would be astronomical. Ghozer says he will just go off an do it. In 2 years from now, he'll be posting about another idea. Nothing wrong with that. We can all have fun with ideas. But lets be realistic so we don't lose lots of time and money in the process. There are a number of kickstarter type websites out there. Why doesn't post his idea up there and ask for investment. If he does, he'll want to be wearing a very durable crash helmet.
  21. A great idea I saw on a bar program recently, in the bar somewhere, they had a back drop of a jail cell and a card people can hold up so they can take their own Mugshotz and send them out to show people via social media. Fun for the customers and good promo.
  22. But views mean nothing, all that matters is revenue, turnover and profit. You can't just build a site and go to investors without revenue. The first thing they will ask you is how much revenue is the site producing. Nothing else matters to investors, revenue and profit, how long before they get their money back and then some. You have to build the site, attract customers who spend money before you can even think about going to investors.
  23. ebay's customer service is terrible. Paypal hold back fees and sometimes hold back and even confiscate large amounts of money for no good reason. There are many things wrong with ebay and paypal, and yet nobody can stop them.
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