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Brewdog bar coming to Sheffield ?

Andy C

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Tbf there are plenty that would begrudge paying £4 more for posh burger!


Yeah, TBH I almost forgot that this was Sheffield when I wrote that. I guess what I mean is there are plenty people out there who understand the reasons why properly made food and drink cost more than industrial gunk, and are willing to pay the extra cost. In fact, even in Sheffield there are enough of these people that whenever I go into the Harley for a burger, it's hard to get a table. And, so far, Brewdog has always been fairly packed when I've been in.


If you don't ever want to pay more than £3 for a beer, or aren't interested in trying new styles of brewing, that's fine: there are plenty of pubs in the area that cater for you. But don't begrudge those who fancy something different once in a while, and are willing to pay for quality.

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Tbf there are plenty that would begrudge paying £4 more for posh burger!


Although I'm not sure that it's the price so much as its a wariness of something different.


I'm sure that folks won't think twice about paying upwards of 4 quid for a bottle of Bud on West Street.


But that's Sheffield for you. Generations of Old Labour dogma have taught us to be wary of anything 'fancy'.


I don't mind paying £8 for a posh burger, but I'll only have one of them at the end of the night.


What I do object to is paying £4.30 for a pint of Punk IPA, when the better Jaipur can be purchased at many establishments for less than £3.50.





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I don't mind paying £8 for a posh burger, but I'll only have one of them at the end of the night.


What I do object to is paying £4.30 for a pint of Punk IPA, when the better Jaipur can be purchased at many establishments for less than £3.50.






Would that even be a pint of Punk IPA or one of those ridiculous 2/3 measures?


There are beers on sale in Brewpooch bars that I would want to drink, but oddly enough Brewpooch's flagship beer is not one of them. Not when you can get it for so much less in supermarkets.

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I don't mind paying £8 for a posh burger, but I'll only have one of them at the end of the night.


What I do object to is paying £4.30 for a pint of Punk IPA, when the better Jaipur can be purchased at many establishments for less than £3.50.





They have 10 taps on most of the time, some of them with beer extremely rare on these shores. So why on Earth would someone with supposed beer knowledge opt for a Punk IPA? Especially if you know you can get it for £1.50 at Sainsbury?


Incidentally I'm not sure why people can't differentiate between Punk and Jaipur. Aside from the IPA label they really aren't that similar. Both have their merits.

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I really don't understand the complaints about the price. There's not many who'd begrudge paying £4 more for a Twisted Burger Company burger than for a McDonald's cheeseburger, and yet ask someone to pay £1 more for some serious quality beer and they get all uppity.


There is plenty of quality already available in Sheffield.


It's not as Brewdog claimed "Sheffield has long been screaming out for a BrewDog bar and we have answered the call. Despite its rich beer heritage, Sheffield has long been dominated by mass marketed industrial beers brewed by faceless corporations. With the arrival of BrewDog Sheffield on Devonshire Street, we plan to change this."


Tbf there are plenty that would begrudge paying £4 more for posh burger!


Although I'm not sure that it's the price so much as its a wariness of something different.


I'm sure that folks won't think twice about paying upwards of 4 quid for a bottle of Bud on West Street.


But that's Sheffield for you. Generations of Old Labour dogma have taught us to be wary of anything 'fancy'.


I wouldn't drink Bud if it was free. I'm also not against paying more for quality or choice. I'm a loyalty card carrying patron of Beer Central and reject claims that it's too expensive or you can get the same bottles over the road for a quid. The thing with BC is that you can splurge £4.95 on a small bottle of something rare and different or you can get a good session ale for £2.50.


With Brewdog it's all or nothing. Pay £3.90 a pint or go elsewhere.


If I had a spare half hour I'd go in. I support the expansion of choice and good beer is always a plus. Personally though I just don't buy into the Brewdog ethos, the aggressive marketing and all-round gob****eness. "Hey, we're edgy, we're different, we're punk rock". No you aren't. You are as corporate and profit driven as any big brewer. That's fine. I just wish they'd give up the pretense that they are "giving it to The Man".


But hey...they've got people talking :D

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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They have 10 taps on most of the time, some of them with beer extremely rare on these shores. So why on Earth would someone with supposed beer knowledge opt for a Punk IPA? Especially if you know you can get it for £1.50 at Sainsbury?


Incidentally I'm not sure why people can't differentiate between Punk and Jaipur. Aside from the IPA label they really aren't that similar. Both have their merits.


To answer the points in order:


1. Rare beer doesn't necessarily equate to better beer. I'm not bothered about the mass produced generic beers, but I can get some nice tasting craft beers for less than Brewdog charge.


2. Punk IPA and Jaipur are nice session beers, I just happen to think Jaipur is the better of the two and I can get it at some establishments for near enough £3.00/pint.


3. I'm not allowed to take a bottle of Punk IPA from Tesco into the pub when I'm out drinking with friends, I have to buy what the pub has to offer.


4. When I'm in the house having a drink I will have a bottle of Punk IPA from time to time, along with Tesco's own double IPA (Effectively Hardcore IPA, but only £1.97/bottle), St Petersberg (£3/bottle) and Halcyon (£3/bottle), to name but a few.


5. Jaipur and Punk are both single IPA's of similar strength. Whilst there are differences, I would imagine they have similar costs to brew, but the weaker Punk IPA is still significantly more expensive when purchased at a Brewdog Bar.


I personally think Brewdog have brainwashed drinkers with their rock and roll advertising. There's no doubt they do brew good beers, I've purchased bottles/cases of Punk, Hardcore, Chaos Theory, Dogma and Riptide in the past, but in recent times their prices have increased significantly as their profile has risen.


No doubt I'll pop into the Brewdog bar from time to time, but if I want a good quality strong 'craft' beer the likes of Halcyon at the Dada Bar will do for me.






---------- Post added 20-03-2014 at 09:21 ----------


With Brewdog it's all or nothing. Pay £3.90 a pint or go elsewhere.


If I had a spare half hour I'd go in. I support the expansion of choice and good beer is always a plus. Personally though I just don't buy into the Brewdog ethos, the aggressive marketing and all-round gob****eness. "Hey, we're edgy, we're different, we're punk rock". No you aren't. You are as corporate and profit driven as any big brewer. That's fine. I just wish they'd give up the pretense that they are "giving it to The Man".


I think that sums up my issues with Brewdog. :)





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Seattle and Portland is ground zero for hipsters. The Brewdog bar template is pretty much nicked wholesale from any number of craft beer bars in that area.


Except for in Seattle, they'd have a few pinball machines and better music (actually the music was "ok" in there the twice I've been).


Went back in on Tuesday, me & a mate were the only 2 in for about an hour just after opening. Had a couple of the darker ales, which were all good. I do like the libertine. I also like the fact that the barstaff seemed to know what they're talking about.


One point that I realised after going in on Saturday though was there seemed to be no option for the poor sods who drink tasteless (IMO) lager. The lads I were with didn't like any of the 4 drinks they tried. I thought all tasted decent but I can see us not going in when a couple don't want to pay £4.50 for 2/3's of a pint of beer they don't like. Maybe I ought to choose friends with better palates.


I don't like the 2/3's by the way. Give me a pint!

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