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Death threats against topless teenager.

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WARNING: clicking this link to an article in The Atlantic about yesterday's Femen's 'Topless Jihad' protests will show even more pictures of revolutionary breasts.


I think these women are awesome for making a stand for freedom.

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WARNING: clicking this link to an article in The Atlantic about yesterday's Femen's 'Topless Jihad' protests will show even more pictures of revolutionary breasts.


I think these women are awesome for making a stand for freedom.



That bloke in pic 7 looks really confused :hihi:..a woman screaming at him with breasts showing, but not so confused as to avert his eyes back to her eyes.


You're right though..awesome.

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That bloke in pic 7 looks really confused :hihi:..a woman screaming at him with breasts showing, but not so confused as to avert his eyes back to her eyes.


You're right though..awesome.

Why can we not have one of these demonstrations in Sheffield .

Outside the Castle Market on Monday would be O.K.

Lads as well as lasses could join in, about mid day would be fine, [as long as its not to cowd that is]

Edited by cuttsie
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WARNING: clicking this link to an article in The Atlantic about yesterday's Femen's 'Topless Jihad' protests will show even more pictures of revolutionary breasts.


I think these women are awesome for making a stand for freedom.


"Awesome" isn't how I would describe it.

There may be many people who support that type of exhibition but it won't be the majority of Muslim women who are active supporters of equal rights, and women who support their cause.

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This has got pretty much naff all to do with where she's from and the culture she lives in.


Women receiving death threats when they speak out is universal.


A few recent examples from the oh-so-liberated and non-oppressive West for your reading pleasure here:


Here's the story of a woman in the USA who has received death threats this week for calling out men making sexist jokes at a tech conference.


Here's the story of a woman in the USA who received death threats last year for trying to start a project about how women are represented in videogames.


Here's the story of a woman in the USA who suggested that educating men might be the key to stopping rape and sexual assault and who received racist death threats.


Here's the story of a woman in the UK who has received death threats because she writes opinions in the newspapers and on the internet.


I think you're playing down the significance of this.


There are death 'threats' that come from a few crackpots on the internet.


And then there are proper death threats that people mean to carry out that are sanctioned by local community leaders and within hours the person has mysteriously dissapeared.


Whilst I'm not for a second defending any of the horrible things people said to the 4 women in the examples you gave, they are in no way equivalent to this situation, and what's happening to this woman in Tunisia has everything to do with the religion and culture dominant in her society.


---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 13:33 ----------


My point of view is I personally don't agree with women posing naked with their "Breasts" out trying to make a point, there are other ways to get your point accross.


Can I ask why you've put breasts in quote marks? It seems like a bizarre decision.


---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 13:41 ----------


If she was a muslim than it could be understood she may feel that she is lacking the freedom to get them out
She is lacking the freedom to get them out, that's precisely the point she's making.


She's got them out, other people are trying to use violence and the threat of violence to stop her.


This Amina girl can walk down the street naked for all I care.


What if she was your sister? What then? Would you be happy for your sister to pose for photos with her breasts out if that was what she wanted?

Edited by flamingjimmy
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But why are they topless (= only half-naked)? Is the 50% significant?


Why were they burning their bras in the 60's too?


Because they are using what identifies them as women in the eyes of misogynists to fight against misogyny.


Whose breasts are they? In a paternalistic society the men might think they own them, as part of the women that belong to them too, their playthings, to be seen and admired only by them. I say **** that, and so do these brave women.


BTW nice editing out of the Jewish women's faces that the conservative Haredi newspaper did here. This is the sort of BS that these women are fighting against too.


I think they're awesome.

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Why were they burning their bras in the 60's too?


Because they are using what identifies them as women in the eyes of misogynists to fight against misogyny.


Whose breasts are they? In a paternalistic society the men might think they own them, as part of the women that belong to them too, their playthings, to be seen and admired only by them. I say **** that, and so do these brave women.

My point was rather: what does merely 'topless' achieve, and why do they stop at 50%?

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