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Cat killed on Butterthwaite Road.

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I have just driven along Butterthwaite Road and noticed about 6/7 cats around another on the road.

I parked up and moved the poor thing which had recently (it was still warm) been run over onto the grass verge next to one of the wooden posts.


The cat is a dark coloured tortoiseshell, no collar, so I couldn't look for it's owner.


I hope whoever it belongs to finds it and gives it a decent burial.


I don't know how anyone can run an animal over in the middle of a clear day when there is a 20 mile limit on the road. Maybe they will take more notice when the next thing they plough over happens to be a child.:mad:

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I have just driven along Butterthwaite Road and noticed about 6/7 cats around another on the road.

I parked up and moved the poor thing which had recently (it was still warm) been run over onto the grass verge next to one of the wooden posts.


The cat is a dark coloured tortoiseshell, no collar, so I couldn't look for it's owner.


I hope whoever it belongs to finds it and gives it a decent burial.


I don't know how anyone can run an animal over in the middle of a clear day when there is a 20 mile limit on the road. Maybe they will take more notice when the next thing they plough over happens to be a child.:mad:


It could happen, specially if the child was only about the size of a cat and could run as fast.

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If you drive, you'll be familiar with animals just bolting across the road, perhaps the driver didn't have time to stop, or even see the little thing, don't always blame the driver. Plus it's already been said, you shouldn't stop for an animal.

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To be fair to the driver, it is not always prudent to slam your brakes on if an animal rushes across the road. If the vehicle following does not react, you could well be to blame.


**off topic** The vehicle behind would be at fault for not keeping the correct distance - otherwise they would stop safely in good time regardless of the car in front braking harshly.


Irrespective of the above though, I hope the cat is reunited with their owner. We came across a similar incident and it was very nice to see members of the community doing what they could to trace the cat back to their owner.

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