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Stagecoach buses in Sheffield

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hi stagecoach bus users in sheffield. does the bus you use stand at bus stops for prolonged periods.does anyone know why.thanks.


All busses, regardless of operator, wait at certain bus stops for short periods.

This is to allow the bus to catch up with the timetable.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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hi stagecoach bus users in sheffield. does the bus you use stand at bus stops for prolonged periods.does anyone know why.thanks.


As AM said, this is quite common when buses get ahead of schedule due to no passengers getting on or off. The places they wait at are designated waiting stops. First buses do this too but the trams don't.

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I catch the No 88 and they also have a break outside St Catherine's Catholic Church can be annoying when other buses pass by


They also often wait long enough just above Banner Cross for the driver to get off and have a cigarette.

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They have to wait sometimes to prevent the possibility of being ahead of their timetable and leaving stops early, a big no-no for both First and Stagecoach buses, and such an offence that get you disciplined quite quickly. I know because my Dad is a Bus Driver and can regale plenty of stories about workmates who got into hot water for leaving even 30 secs too early.


Been on few buses which have had to wait at stops myself and although it is annoying, I find it more annoying to see those people who complain at the poor guys/gals for waiting who are just trying to do their jobs. No doubt it is the same people who would be on the phone straight away if a bus left a stop early and meant they had missed the bus.

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Hi all,thanks for responding. Do bus routes still have defined terminus (ie) standing points. I cant accept that buses get ahead of timetable to justify standing for excessive periods of time ,my opinion is stop useing rocket fuel.thanks.

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They have to wait sometimes to prevent the possibility of being ahead of their timetable and leaving stops early, a big no-no for both First and Stagecoach buses, and such an offence that get you disciplined quite quickly. I know because my Dad is a Bus Driver and can regale plenty of stories about workmates who got into hot water for leaving even 30 secs too early.


Been on few buses which have had to wait at stops myself and although it is annoying, I find it more annoying to see those people who complain at the poor guys/gals for waiting who are just trying to do their jobs. No doubt it is the same people who would be on the phone straight away if a bus left a stop early and meant they had missed the bus.


I know the Blakey type Inspectors of old used to scream I'll get you for this Batler,:hihi: if on his routine route inspection he missed his connection because the driver was early because on a route where the bus run hourly he would be stranded for an hour,:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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What a nice guy, old Blakey.


My only "gripe" is that one of these waiting stops is the one before I get off.

I could get off and walk the few 100 yards, but he'll overtake me before I get there.


Reminds me when I used to live in London. used to wait 20-30 mins for a bus and then 3 come along together. Maybe they could not drive fast enough, due to the volume of traffic, to keep up with the timetable, unless it was a Sunday.


On the whole I think the Sheffield buses are very good.

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