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EDL Leader Remanded for Using False Passport To Enter The USA

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If the EDL was a BRITISH nationalist group it would not have Jewish divisions and fly the Israeli flag at their demos.come on its not rocket science.



Where did I state that

a) The EDL was a nationalist group

b) The EDL was a British Nationalist Group



quote me happy?

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If the EDL was a BRITISH nationalist group it would not have Jewish divisions and fly the Israeli flag at their demos.come on its not rocket science.


The Jewish Chronicle reported last year trouble within the EDL's Jewish Division. The leader resigned alleging Nazi elements within the EDL.



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Best yet, he's a scrounger too. When EDL rank and file activists are quite rightly arrested, they are on their own. When Yaxley-Lennon gets nicked, the begging bowl comes out so they can get a solicitor for him.


The following article states that as he's unemployed he's entitled to legal aid. Whether that's true or not I couldn't say.



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The EDL leader has been remanded into custody for using a false passport to enter the United States = http://www.lutontoday.co.uk/news/local/edl-leader-on-false-passport-charge-1-4396482

Will the USA be demanding his extradition to the US?

Why did he not use his own passport?


I suppose this may be a factor: http://theinspirationroom.com/daily/print/2009/5/racist-brain-ad.jpg


But I don't see why he would be extradited to the USA though as he was refused entry. Being refused entry is not a crime.

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But I don't see why he would be extradited to the USA though as he was refused entry. Being refused entry is not a crime.


Except he wasn't refused entry. He actually entered the USA and attended a conference in New York. From the horse's mouth here is the same link I put on in post 10 (I think);



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Even better, they're having another crack at Walthamstow this weekend. I wish I could be there in my old stomping ground, I have a feeling Saturday may be pretty much the end of the EDL. Last time they had to be kettled for 4 hours for their own safety, so outnumbered were they by unwelcoming locals (minus Mr. Robinson and other leading members who legged it off to Luton, leaving the foot soldiers to stand around inside a police cordon).


I think if you watch this Youtube video (

) you will see that the EDL leading members did not just "leg it to Luton" they stood and tried to exercise their right to a peaceful protest and the police lost control of the UAF and MDL and themselves were pelted with bricks and bottles by the people insisting that all EDL are thugs ha ha ha (but made NO arrests).

Stephen Lennon and Kevin Carroll were trying to negotiate with the main police officer on site, that they should be able to continue with their speeches and that they were not just going to call off the demo and Stephen Lennon DID continue with his speech with no PA as they were not allowed to switch it on !!!

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If he used it in Sept but only just got remanded I'm assuming that he actually entered and left the USA but got found out at a later date, the article doesn't give much details but if he did get in and out like this it raises serious concerns regarding passport checks in the US.
How many times have you been through a passport check in the US? I've been through many before I became a citizen, and some since. They are very thorough, and have all the tools available to find fakes. They are generally done with courtesy however, while I have not always been so treated in the UK.
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Who here would support free speech to the extent that child sex offenders could publicly call for the lowering of the age of consent back down to 14 and engage in open debate?

Me, and anyone who truly believes in freedom and democracy.


Would that be good for democracy?


How can you possibly ever justify the state preventing people from having open debate?

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The following article states that as he's unemployed he's entitled to legal aid. Whether that's true or not I couldn't say.




Stephen Lennon is infact unemployed. He had a portfolio of houses and a tanning business but due to police pressure and fears for his safety (hence the Tommy Robinson name change) he had to close the tanning salon and his assetts have been frozen so at the moment he has no cash flow. I am not sure if he qualifies for Legal Aid due to this.


People donate money to legal funds for him as he has risked a lot to keep this movement going. Its called appreciation for his efforts. There is no funding for EDL leadership contrary to popular beleif, unlike the BNP there is no membership, and clothing sales support the constantly hacked website.


The EDL is a voluntary movement.

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Remanded in custody for 11 weeks, Why?

I think it's for ... well ... using a false passport to enter the USA. The clue is in the title, somewhat.

Bet I can find islamists on worse charges that get less time on remand. Any takers?

Yawn. The eternal relay loop back to Islam. If in doubt, reference Islam. If under pressure, reference Islam. If you have nothing to say and nothing to add and nothing more that you can possibly use to make any significant statement - reference Islam. You're full of crap.

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