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Bedroom tax on council tenants

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Its totally disgusting that we will have to pay this extra tax...this would probably put rents up by an average of £10+ a week..as well as the annual rent increase..Most council house have probably been paid off 10 times over since they were built in the 30s,40s and 50s etc. This is another way of penalising those NOT ON benefits who have to pay full rent...And they wonder why so many people do not want to work when they are better off on benefits...the system stinks..Rant over!!!!


As well as the council tax increase (for people on low incomes only) in April.

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Well there sending home visits out to people affected by this. Im glad some people think this is wrong anyway i thought this was a tory forum with all the negative posts at first. Well i just hope thay never have to claim beneffits as some people look down on you like a scrounger. But me and my wife have paid enough in over the years

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But what about the persons/ people with a disability, who have been given a supposedly "Oversized" property, because it is a property that is adapted to the needs of the disabled tenant? (hoists, stairlifts/ through-floor lifts/ wet rooms, extra rooms on ground floor, etc, for example?)


They are being put at a disadvantage, and are actually being punished, financially, for needing a property that is suitable for their disability.


Is this correct?


If there is a smaller adapted property available, then fine, if there is not then there should be no charge as they cannot move to a smaller property if there isn't one that is suitable.

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People will be evicted. There are single people living in 2 bed flats who are in no fit state to move, mainly people with serious mental health problems. Most of them won't be able to make up the shortfall and there is no exemption for them in this law. A safe, quiet home is the absolute basis for good mental health, and there are people who will have this taken away from them. I suspect a lot will stay put and ultimately be evicted for arrears. And anyway, there are nowhere near enough 1 bedroom properties for everyone who is under-occupying to move into.


I agree some people will have a very hard time. There have been some positive outcomes for folk who at one time wouldn't have had to try and live alone, and I fear this will mean a lot of the good work will have been for nothing.


I'm also concerned about people with physical disabilities currently living in suitable adapted properties. How will they find smaller homes that have the necessary adaptations? Also, people who can't physically manage all the work involved in moving home, or can't afford to pay removal costs.

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I'm just wondering how they are going to do this - my mum was waiting 8 years before she was able to get. 1 bedroom property, are people going to be fined because the council won't have enough suitable properties & I must admit I agree with the majority of posters that this tax is only something else those who work have to pay

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