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Buying Razor Blades


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Hi All


I am thinking of going back to shaving with Double Edge blades i seem to remember to getting a better shave with them, rather than these what they sell now 2-3-4 blade ones, not to mention i would think they (double edge) would work out a lot cheaper to use, so my Question is does anybody know where i could buy double edge blades such as Gillet-Wilkinson etc. Thanks in anticipation.



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Can I recommend you buy a decent double edge safety razor, have a look on Amazon there are a few made by a company called Edwin Jagger. This should last you a lifetime.


It does take practise but you'll get a much better shave as well.


There are a few brands of blades too on amazon, it does work out much cheaper I bought 100 Derby extra blades for £8.90 much better value.

Try it you won't regret it.

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Hi J R


I will have a look on Amazon, the reason i am thinking about using one is that i am at a certain age where i used to use one, that was the only alternative and i seem to remember i got a lot better shave with them.



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I have one, but couldnt afford blades so bought a pack of bic disposables-big mistake, like shaving with glass, keep nicking myself all the time and has now decided to bring a rash out safe to day they are now binned!


Yep, know what you mean.


That company, BIC, they were good at making biro pens, but when they turned their hand to razors they didn't quite get it right did they?


I'd rather shave, Desperate Dan style, with a blowlamp and broken bottle than use one of those BIC disposable razors. And the other makes of disposable razors are no better imo - Gillette, Wilkinson, whatever - they are all rubbish.


This idea about buying a safety razor and double edged blades isn't a bad one actually. I'd not thought of that.


I'm one of those mugs who buys the latest Gillette "shave you even closer still" razors every time they bring one out. It is a complete racket! My latest one has 5 blades - the only upside to this is when I cut myself it looks like a musical stave on my face and I can draw little crotchets and semi-quavers on it to disguise it.


My dad used to use a single edged blade safety razor. He bought "PAL" single edged blades - which surely must have been made in Sheffield with a name like that? The advantage of single edged razor blades is that you can chop runner beans up with them, or even cut lino! Not that I do much of that these-days.


But - I'm curious now about new shaving options!


(Best deal on razor blades I've found so far is Costco)

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