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Speed cameras on Twentywell Lane

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I used to think that camera's were all about making money - but I changed my views on this since attending a speed awareness course recently.


Steady on!

Changed your mind? Went into the course with an open mind and learnt something? Is this really SF?


What, in particular made you change your mind? Can you share it with the intelligent folks on here?

If you are not prepared to risk the vilification that may follow your revelation(s) pm me since I'd really like to know what, for you, was the course's tipping point.

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+1 to this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Good on you DerbyTup, a reformed speeder is better than nothing, and I'd also like to hear what changed your view.


The problem is that once you've passed the driving test, that's it. Its down to hope that the driver will continue to drive to those standards. And sadly they slip and there's no way to redress that other than the fines and points, or the chance you might get seen by a copper.


I've no problem with people making mistakes - unintentionally blocking a box junction for example. But it's when they start to be abusive for their mistake - like you in the Vauxhall on Sunday morning who blocked the box junction at Arena square and prevented the ambulance from getting through to a collapsed runner - that's when they need something to make them fall back into line.

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All cameras are a money making scheme


You are absolutly right they do make money. The solution to this problem is very straight forward. Some of the speeding motorists on here cannot comprehend it.


Its called following something known as the speed limit. Roads in the UK have a set speed motorists can go to. Go over the speed limit means you are breaking the law.


There is a device in your car that helps you not do this its called a speedometer.


I hope this explanation isnt too complex for you to understand.

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You are absolutly right they do make money. The solution to this problem is very straight forward. Some of the speeding motorists on here cannot comprehend it.


Its called following something known as the speed limit. Roads in the UK have a set speed motorists can go to. Go over the speed limit means you are breaking the law.


There is a device in your car that helps you not do this its called a speedometer.


I hope this explanation isnt too complex for you to understand.


Yes but you're forgetting that some people have special mental powers and their cars are better than everyone elses and they live inside an invisible energy bubble which means they don't need to worry about unexpected events which cause ordinary drivers to have accidents.


They'll be along shortly to tell you who they are.

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I used to think that camera's were all about making money - but I changed my views on this since attending a speed awareness course recently.


What is it you learnt that changed your mind?


How many £85's were in the room or the rooms next door?


How much profit do you think was earnt from that venue alone that week?


If its not about money then why are large sums of money being earnt from what is no less than bribery?

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You are absolutly right they do make money. The solution to this problem is very straight forward. Some of the speeding motorists on here cannot comprehend it.


Its called following something known as the speed limit. Roads in the UK have a set speed motorists can go to. Go over the speed limit means you are breaking the law.


There is a device in your car that helps you not do this its called a speedometer.


I hope this explanation isnt too complex for you to understand.



Speeders? Camera vans are NOT interested in real speeders only the 'creepers' who are just over,they are the ones who qualify for courses,the real speeders arnt targeted because unless they qualify for a course,which your speed has to be only just over to qualify then the money doesnt go to them.

The whole thing is a scam!

Why should a motoring organisation like the AA now profit from a so called crime?

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Mnay years ago I was stopped by a police officer who just stepped out and put his hand up for me to stop, I thought there had been an accident!! Did I know what speed I had been doing? Er no, it was 38 in a 30 zone, I got a telling off buit no ticket. That taught me a very valuable lesson, I am constantly checking my speed, is IS easy to go over the permitted limit, and I only drive a small car. The roadside smiley/sad face cameras, for me, anyway, remind me just to check again

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Speeders? Camera vans are NOT interested in real speeders only the 'creepers' who are just over,they are the ones who qualify for courses,the real speeders arnt targeted because unless they qualify for a course,which your speed has to be only just over to qualify then the money doesnt go to them.

The whole thing is a scam!

Why should a motoring organisation like the AA now profit from a so called crime?


GARBAGE, as always.

Yes, of course, the band of driving speeds now being offered a course of 35 to 42 mph is only "just over the limit".

AA are a profit-making private corporation who choose to make their money where they can. That they bought up another company, Drivetech (to become AA Drivetech) who was the biggest deliverers of Police diversionary training courses comes as a result of what big companies do: they see an opportunity to extend their existing business sideways and to make still more money out the motoring public from learners to FLH's roadside, on the road or in the classroom

Note: AA Drivetech do not operate any cameras or have any control over how many punters are referred for training. The driving public could put them out of business, well, maybe not just yet.

Edited by DT Ralge
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