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Sheffield Star non-stories megathread


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It's far from a non-story: from the point of view of people with learning disabilities (and other types of disability that make people stand out) and their families, this is just the type of heart-breaking discrimination that affects people's lives so much. It only becomes apparent when it happens to you time and time again.


It's hard to tell what was really said from this newspaper article but the fact that the holiday camp seems to have said the group of people with learning disabilities was "intimidating" requires some explanation.

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the fact that the holiday camp seems to have said the group of people with learning disabilities was "intimidating" requires some explanation.


Does it really? A group of 26 adults with learning disabilites would be intimidating to a lot of people. The fact that they are accompanied by ten carers does not lessen the fact that a large group of adults behaving out of the norm is quite disruptive, and the majority of people don't come into contact with people with learning disabilities so don't know how to deal with their out-of-the-ordinary behaviour.


To suggest otherwise is disingenous.

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Does it really? A group of 26 adults with learning disabilites would be intimidating to a lot of people. The fact that they are accompanied by ten carers does not lessen the fact that a large group of adults behaving out of the norm is quite disruptive, and the majority of people don't come into contact with people with learning disabilities so don't know how to deal with their out-of-the-ordinary behaviour.


To suggest otherwise is disingenous.


That is precisely my point: you assume that 26 adults with learning disabilities would be behaving "out of the norm".


holiday camps can't discriminate against disabled people just because they think other people would discriminate too. It's not so long ago that some bars wouldn't serve women because "the regulars don't like it." Fortunately most people see that is wrong now.

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Does it really? A group of 26 adults with learning disabilites would be intimidating to a lot of people. The fact that they are accompanied by ten carers does not lessen the fact that a large group of adults behaving out of the norm is quite disruptive, and the majority of people don't come into contact with people with learning disabilities so don't know how to deal with their out-of-the-ordinary behaviour.


To suggest otherwise is disingenous.


Yes it does.


People with all sorts of disabilities behave 'out of the norm'


Adults and children alike would be enlightened to come into contact with these people

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That is precisely my point: you assume that 26 adults with learning disabilities would be behaving "out of the norm".


holiday camps can't discriminate against disabled people just because they think other people would discriminate too. It's not so long ago that some bars wouldn't serve women because "the regulars don't like it." Fortunately most people see that is wrong now.


Who says its discrimination? only the mother in question. The group have been refused a full party booking by Butlins due to party size as its Butlins perogative to do (you try booking a party size that large all adults) Butlins have offered to accommodate them in smaller groups over two holidays so again whats the story here for the star?


Its a credit to the group that they have grown in membership to the point that this situation has arisen but as usual people throw the "discrimination" tag straight at the story even though a solution has been offered

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Meh, I would've found the group about as "intimidating" as a damp dishcloth! :lol:


Butlins seriously need to grow a pair and get over themselves.

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