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What is 5 + 3 * 0?

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I thought it was great entertainment. :hihi:


Speaking of which, we're playing at the Peaks Inn in Castleton tomorrow and at the Sportsman in Crosspool next Friday... Come along - you may enjoy it. There will be no fingers in ears and you will meet (at the Sportsman) at least two SF regulars...

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...the mathematically literate ("numerate"' date=' to [b']coin[/b] a phr word) consider themselves 'fountain of all knowledge experts'?"


"coin". It does not mean what you think it means.


But you're right about arithmetic, obviously.

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That is not a properly set out question.

It has too many answers.

Who ever asked it is not a mathematician.


The person who asked here (OP - original poster) is someone who saw an episode of 'smarter than a 10 year old' where a wrong answer to a basic arithmetic question was given as right. It doesn't matter whether the OP is a mathematician or not.


It is a properly set out question.

It has one answer.

The answer is 5.

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