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Gay marriage - 'shameful'?

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Oh, yes. A bit like saying that not allowing black people to marry and insisting that they should be content with a civil partnership wouldn't really be racial discrimination.


Absolute rubbish as you would appreciate if you had read my previous posts.

Is a civil partnership inferior to a marriage ?

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Different is not discrimination.


That's not really a fully qualified sentence is it.


Being different is not discrimination, it's just life.


Being treat differently due to innate differences is discrimination, it's pretty much the definition of it.




dis·crim·i·na·tion /disˌkriməˈnāSHən/



  • The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things.

The category of people that you wish to treat differently are homosexuals.

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No, I think that their gender is not relevant to the state.


I suppose you think that it should be okay to discriminate against either men or women?

Please think before answering.


Gender is the main factor in the debate.

If a man was allowed to marry a man but a woman not allowed to marry a woman that would be discrimination as both would be same sex.

Edited by harvey19
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Neither superior or inferior to the other.

Vanilla and chocolate are neither superior nor inferior flavours of ice cream, but if a shop refused to sell me one of these because I was gay then that would be discrimination.


Somehow I feel no argument will penetrate your brain.

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Glad you agree that a civil partnership and marriage are different.

Neither superior or inferior to the other.

Therefore not discrimination.


Was the back of the bus somehow inferior to the front?


I notice despite me answering your question you don't feel qualified to answer mine.


Are black people different to white people?


Give it a go, see if you can answer it, it's not a trick.


It is discrimination, a legal state that is only available to straight couples discriminates against those who cannot have that status. Like I've said, that's the definition of discrimination, you can keep claiming it isn't, that won't alter things.


I think the debate is pretty much run out, you object to gay marriage because you feel that it's okay to discriminate against gay couples, I can only assume that's down to some homophobia on your part. I expect that this is the basis for all such objections since no one has been able to post a justified reason for an objection. Hopefully the change will go ahead and in the future homophobia will quietly disappear along with Christianity (and other religions).

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Vanilla and chocolate are neither superior nor inferior flavours of ice cream, but if a shop refused to sell me one of these because I was gay then that would be discrimination.


Somehow I feel no argument will penetrate your brain.


No argument will penetrate the brains of those who cannot see the union between a man and woman is different to a union between 2 men or 2 women.

Once again marriage was designed for 2 people of the opposite gender.

Civil partnership for 2 people of the same gender.

Is it so hard to understand that a union between people of different genders is different to that of 2 people of the same gender.

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