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The day Hoooofball died


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Agree with the one dimensional,but in his favour he got the players fit and running through a brickwall attitude ,which combined with DJs tactics will see us have a better chance for that second spot.


Teams wised up to Megsons tactics weeks ago, that's why Manderic got rid, he's actually more a football man than he is given credit for.

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We we're reluctant to admit it before Megson left but the truth is that Wednesday's game did include a lot of long balls. Jones took a big risk today by trying a big change of strategy with a team that had been playing very differently for a long time and it seems that the risk paid off.

Will this be known as the day that hoofball died?




You will be the scourge of all owls on here who vehemtly denied you played hoofball ....You called it MIXING IT UP

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I don't like teams sitting back, Meggo did every single game when we wer up.

We were 4-0 up today and the players were willing each other to go on and get more.

Meggo - Jones when it comes to tactics and know how, there aint no competition, I know quite a few Cardiff fan's and they have got a lot of good things to say about him.


Yeah, I agree, but he didn't do it when he managed WBA, so he is capable of change.

Don't know why he was more cautious at Wednesday, only he can tell you why.

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Yeah, I agree, but he didn't do it when he managed WBA, so he is capable of change.

Don't know why he was more cautious at Wednesday, only he can tell you why.


Well in my opinion he underestimated league 1, he thought bullying teams would put us in a strong position and it worked for a while.

But it became clear it stopped working and as I say teams wised up to his style of play.

His West Brom day's were a long while ago now really and football has changed a lot, tactics are a massive thing, why do you see these assistants and managers with paper in there hands.

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it hasn't died yet, we could still end up reverting back to it when we're struggling in a game. as much as the blades fans want to slate us for playing hoofball we did play some nice stuff pre xmas but we did rely on alot of hoofball. i know according to the blades they would never play hoofball because they are the brazil of this league but they too will of, even if they have played more pretty football than us.

it's too early to judge how we'll play under jones and i don't care how we do aslong as we are winning but if we play anything like last night consistantly and continue winning then it would seem mandaric made the right decision

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Yeah, I agree, but he didn't do it when he managed WBA, so he is capable of change.

Don't know why he was more cautious at Wednesday, only he can tell you why.


Interesting to recall that Megson's West Brom side were credited with outclassing and outplaying Keegan's Manchester City the year they both got promoted and West Brom beat them 4-0.


He bought players like Koumas, Kanu, Raul Fox, Zoltan Gera and the giant Rob Earnshaw. In his first promotion year he struck lucky that he had Jason Roberts and Lee Hughes on fire and with sufficient pace at that level to play his favored counter attacking football.


He also brought in players like Danny Dichio, Scott Dobie and Geoff Horsfield for a more direct approach when required, but very much plan B.

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I reckon the manager is only as good as his players at the end of the day and unfortunate for both teams were guilty of having players in the ranks who "hoof" the ball as you put it or as I see it either desperately clearing it or going for the long hopeful ball to try and get past 11 defenders which is common when playing sheffield clubs, teams come for the draw.


The main fact being that if these players were any good at getting the ball down the deck for 90 minutes and playing football, they wouldn't be at either club. We've had highlights and examples of this from Matt Phillips at our end and Ben Marshall at your end, both could play football and that is why they went straight on to Championship football.


One things for certain if United got promoted I would think that to compete we would need to look at bringing in about 5-6 new players to compete in the Championship and i'm sure Wednesday fans will agree the same about you lot? For now we cope with what we have and try and get the best out of it for this season even if the ball hits the air a few times.


P.S With McDonald in Uniteds midfield we very rarely loft the ball and play it through him as his distribution is brilliant, without him it can get a bit direct however I honestly dont think weve been as direct as you. That said were gonna be end of debate.

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