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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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Come on its not that important,its not world changing and no ones about to die,maybe its people like you with a high moral stance on the question of homosexuality that drove it underground in the first place all those years ago


And there was me thinking it was punative laws, homophobic bullying and queer bashing that made gays & bi people feel ashamed & drove it underground.

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Come on its not that important,its not world changing and no ones about to die,maybe its people like you with a high moral stance on the question of homosexuality that drove it underground in the first place all those years ago


People do die in homophobic attacks. In this country, today, in 2012. Suicides related to homophobic bullying happen. And in many parts of the world its still illegal.


As far as your second point goes, the day that tolerance drives things underground is the day that the clocks strike thirteen. And because that was such a monumentally stupid thing to write, I'm now done on this thread.

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And there was me thinking it was punative laws, homophobic bullying and queer bashing that made gays & bi people feel ashamed & drove it underground.


Speaking as a gay man, I can say that it was society in general that drove us underground not any prejudice in particular. We can deal with singular injustice but when the whole of society is brought up watching the many gay jokes that were prevalent in the late 70's early 80's and the archetypal stereotype's that was on the only form of mass indoctrination, tv . funny that tv is the keyword here don't you think ?

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And there was me thinking it was punative laws, homophobic bullying and queer bashing that made gays & bi people feel ashamed & drove it underground.

Well it was illegal so therefore yes it had to go underground the queer bashing was generally a product of the stance of gays wanting to show the world what they are, they showed out, they got belted, they expected it, but by keeping coming back they either got accepted or got used to a kicking,If there had been no queer bashing the single minded among the gays may not have decided they had to make a stand for their rights so in a roundabout sort of way it helped the plight of gays back then,and encouraged them to persevere with their cause.

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Speaking as a gay man, I can say that it was society in general that drove us underground not any prejudice in particular. We can deal with singular injustice but when the whole of society is brought up watching the many gay jokes that were prevalent in the late 70's early 80's and the archetypal stereotype's that was on the only form of mass indoctrination, tv . funny that tv is the keyword here don't you think ?


i treat people how i would like to be treated, people dont chose their sexuallity, they are born like it. i have friends that are of different sexual orrientation, and to be honest i dont even think about their sexual preferences, they are just my friends, and i am straight and i dont feel threatened by them at all. ignorance is the problem in todays society like you say , people should not hide away because of idiots who are scared of things that are not the 'norm' , be proud of who you are ;)

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Well it was illegal so therefore yes it had to go underground the queer bashing was generally a product of the stance of gays wanting to show the world what they are, they showed out, they got belted, they expected it, but by keeping coming back they either got accepted or got used to a kicking,If there had been no queer bashing the single minded among the gays may not have decided they had to make a stand for their rights so in a roundabout sort of way it helped the plight of gays back then,and encouraged them to persevere with their cause.


Are you for real? You're saying that gays got bashed because "the stance of gays wanting to show the world what they are...And it helped the plight of gays"

What a strange twist of logic.

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The thing is I have friends who are openly gay ,men and women and repect them for their openness as yet I have never met a openly bisexual,again i stress Im just being inquisitive,is there a stigma attached to bisexuality among both sides of the coin, Gays and straights.


I dunno could a bi sexual man pose more health risks to a female partner after sleeping with a man. Maybe women fear this aspect of bi men, so men hide their bi tendancies... Is it the AIDS thing?

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I dunno could a bi sexual man pose more health risks to a female partner after sleeping with a man. Maybe women fear this aspect of bi men, so men hide their bi tendancies... Is it the AIDS thing?


please dont quote me on this but, i am sure i read somewhere that hetrosexuals have the highest rate of HIV , ;)

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Are you for real? You're saying that gays got bashed because "the stance of gays wanting to show the world what they are...And it helped the plight of gays"

What a strange twist of logic.

Not really if you think about it by standing up for what they believed they may have suffered a few knocks but the refusal to bow down wouldnt do a lot for the confidence of the aggressor,you forget that aggressors in this mode would be nothing more than bullies by standing up to them it takes away a bully's power of control.much like Jesus preaching "turn the other cheek" ..common sense really if you understand the way people think and act.

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