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Bad customer service in Sheffield.


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After reading This Thread about bad service at a Sheffield post office, It made me think of some places where I'd been where the service was equally as bad if not worse.


The worst was a local garage who told me one price to which I agreed but then it had changed to £60 more as they had found something else - and it would be illegal to drive the car away as it wasn't fully repaired due to the 2nd thing.


There is also one elderly woman on the tills at Asda Handsworth who will only talk to certain people, strange as it is I've noticed this as Ive been stood in long queues. She has a constant grumpy look on her face and even challenges you over the bags!

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After reading This Thread about bad service at a Sheffield post office, It made me think of some places where I'd been where the service was equally as bad if not worse.


The worst was a local garage who told me one price to which I agreed but then it had changed to £60 more as they had found something else - and it would be illegal to drive the car away as it wasn't fully repaired due to the 2nd thing.


There is also one elderly woman on the tills at Asda Handsworth who will only talk to certain people, strange as it is I've noticed this as Ive been stood in long queues. She has a constant grumpy look on her face and even challenges you over the bags!


You can sign a waiver to drive your car away and then the garage has no responsibility, that's what I did when a garage told me they had no clue how much it was going to be to fix on top of the original part that I would need as they were unsure of the problem.


The worst customer service I have found at asda is by the shelf stackers. They seem to only care about where they need to be forgetting that the customer should come first and therefore the customer should always have right of way. I understand they have a job to do but the number of times I have been cut up by them and not been able to access things because they have stopped straight in front of me after cutting me up is appalling.

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My OH works for a media company in their retention department so they have all been trained in the best way to use customer interfacing to gain a satisfactory outcome for both parties. (Not my phrasing that's from one of the booklets)

The training was what many of us would consider common sense and basic customer service. The part that interested me was how they deal with customers who are determined to get something for nothing. Now people are more aggressive when they deal with customer services they have to be trained how to handle them.

I know some CS is just bad but I think if I had to work in CS and had to deal with rude, bad mannered, aggressive people It would get my back right up and maybe that's spilling over to when they treat normal, well mannered people who have genuine reasons to complain.

I used to be on the war path straight away if I had to complain about anything but since OH started this type of job it made me reconsider my own attitude when I complain. When I think back to when I was small my parents would never have gone off shouting if something wasn't right they would mention it in the right way so I don't know when I started to lean towards the demanding way. :confused:

My OH worked at a bank chasing mortgage arrears just before the media company and his day was spent talking to people who hadn't paid their mortgage. His rough evaluation was for every genuine case where someone had lost their job their were five people playing the system. One lady owed a large amount in arrears and when asked why she hadn't paid she said it was Christmas and she needed to buy gifts, when told her home was at risk she started abusing my OH calling him racist names (he's from the Wirral so she may be confused :hihi:) and that she would have his job for harassing her. When he went through her current account outgoings with her, which included all £1800 of her Christmas shopping she said he was breaching her human rights by looking into her current account and that she hoped he died of cancer.

That wasn't typical of every call but lots of the calls were aggressive, so much so that when they made him redundant he was relieved to change jobs. You would think that mortgage arrears may cause people to be aggressive but he gets similar calls now only they are about internet speeds :loopy:

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I couldn't agree more about the shelf stackers at Asda, they really annoy me. I've worked in a supermarket before, so know that you should move for customers to get past, put stock somewhere where it won't disrupt everyone and just be polite! But no, that doesn't happen at Asda, they just walk right infront of you and give you a funny look, and they're not helpful at all. I get so annoyed when I go there, I just can't believe how rude they all are, and it's weird because I've never experienced it at any other shop. I'd blame Asda training, but surely the people who work their should have some common sense or previous experience to know what is polite and what isn't! I honestly don't get why it's so bad there.


I've never really cared about customer service tbh, if someone wants to have face on that's fine. But Asda is unbelievable!!

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In my job I often have to talk to the Department for works and pensions and other benefits/housing organisations, i find it is easier to talk to someone when the problems is not mine, I can think more clearly and not be sooooo angry, this is trickling into how i deal with companies.


Basically if you are polite and get them on your side they will help you

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I couldn't agree more about the shelf stackers at Asda, they really annoy me. I've worked in a supermarket before, so know that you should move for customers to get past, put stock somewhere where it won't disrupt everyone and just be polite! But no, that doesn't happen at Asda, they just walk right infront of you and give you a funny look, and they're not helpful at all. I get so annoyed when I go there, I just can't believe how rude they all are, and it's weird because I've never experienced it at any other shop. I'd blame Asda training, but surely the people who work their should have some common sense or previous experience to know what is polite and what isn't! I honestly don't get why it's so bad there.


I've never really cared about customer service tbh, if someone wants to have face on that's fine. But Asda is unbelievable!!


Strange that because we shop at our local Asda in Middlewood and have never had any problems with the staff, always polite, considerate and helpful, maybe its just the supermarkets. I can agree with some of points, customer service isn't what it used to be, as my Mum taught me, treat people the way you expect them to treat you and you won't go far wrong, never happen nowadays.....

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Customer service is ok until you have a complaint or take something back. Three times I've taken items of food back that were not fit for consumtion- Bottle of wine that was corked, some "fresh" fish that had some type of worm living in them and a packet of Morrisons own brand biscuits with a length of string baked into them. Each time I was told the item would be sent for analysis and they would write to me. The only reply I had was about the wine which they said was "within acceptable taste limits". It really was like vinegar:loopy:.

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Strange that because we shop at our local Asda in Middlewood and have never had any problems with the staff, always polite, considerate and helpful, maybe its just the supermarkets. I can agree with some of points, customer service isn't what it used to be, as my Mum taught me, treat people the way you expect them to treat you and you won't go far wrong, never happen nowadays.....


I think it's a particular Asda that is the problem, I just didn't want to mention which one, it has been mentioned though. I've been to another in Sheffield before, and that was fine.


Aaah, I wouldn't blame it on 'young' people, the older ones are just the same. I'm only in my 20s and I'd never be as rude as some people are there. Oddly, it's the people near the fridges that really bug me. The cold must be getting to them :hihi:

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