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Christmas whos looking forward to it

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We always look forward to Christmas.


Lights go up (outside) December 1st, then around the 15th December I fetch the Christmas trees (7ft for the lounge, 6ft for the hall, 6ft for the landing, 5ft for the conservatory) then the Wife and Daughters (plus Grandson this year) spend a few hours decorating the house.


Watching kids opening their Advent calendars, the smell of baking, midnight Mass.


Champagne and smoked salmon brekkie on Christmas day, a visit to the Cemetery to lay wreaths, the opening of presents, cooking Christmas Lunch (worthy of it's own thread) for the family, plenty of vino then veg out in front of the TV.



Not to mention a trip out to Castleton to see the lights

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We always look forward to Christmas.


Lights go up (outside) December 1st, then around the 15th December I fetch the Christmas trees (7ft for the lounge, 6ft for the hall, 6ft for the landing, 5ft for the conservatory) then the Wife and Daughters (plus Grandson this year) spend a few hours decorating the house.


Watching kids opening their Advent calendars, the smell of baking, midnight Mass.


Champagne and smoked salmon brekkie on Christmas day, a visit to the Cemetery to lay wreaths, the opening of presents, cooking Christmas Lunch (worthy of it's own thread) for the family, plenty of vino then veg out in front of the TV.





Not to mention a trip out to Castleton to see the lights


Do you live in Narnia?:roll:

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:clap:Congratulations Little Boots.:clap:


Well, my Christmas is going to be tighter than usual. Won't get into debt for anyone. Resorted to exchanging the Tesco vouchers for double value and the kids are getting less. Christmas day will be us and my parents. Boxing Day will probably be me and the dog in the park whiling away the time till the kids come home. Anyone wanting to join me is welcome, doubt the cafe will be open, could always take a flask :)


thank you Sparkler hope you have a very happy Christmas xxx

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I don't start getting excited about Christmas till mid December . . as i think its too early any time sooner. Its my other halfs birthday on 10th December so after that we think about Christmas.


I have started buying things, i always spread the cost but I don't think about the fact its Christmas presents when I am buying!

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I am soooooooo looking forward to Xmas more so this year,my grandson had a serious accident last week he made front page of The Star,he fell off his bike and burst his pancreas,its made me realize how precious and fragile life is and will celebrate so much and appreciate how lucky we are

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Love it :) Love it :) Love it :)


Christmas in my house, is baking buns etc, putting the trimmings up, wrapping the prezzies for my family, and seeing my childrens faces christmas morning when santa has been (one is 16 and the other is 10 but santa still comes to them) My children do not get things all year round, so christmas is the time for them when they receive prezzies that they probably have asked for 6 months previous, even my pets get little presents too.


With all the misery in the world, I want my children to see that you dont have to have loads of money, presents and things to be happy, and what better way to celebrate this, than at christmas time, forget everything and get into the christmas spirit......


(When my children have all grown up and left home santa will still be visiting them at my house, he will still put there presents in there special sacks with there names on them. :) )


Cheer up people - see what is important in your life and celebrate it at the most celebrated time of year......

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