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Anti-social behaviour in Sheffield getting worse

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Mistyblue you are very very angry and sound just as antisocial as the germans 1940.

You are throwing fuel on the very fire that is too hot for you.

Calm down, relax, if you want we can go for a walk by river or peak district and you will relax and forget about things we can rise above as an individual.

Edited by dutch
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No one should be paid by the state to have more than two children. The government should announce that commencing in nine months time child benefit will cease in respect of all new births of third and subsequent children.


I agree, with an exception for multiple births. In the past people had lots of kids a) because they didn't have much choice, and b) most of the kids would die at an early age. In 2011, when neither of those conditions apply and the competition for resource (housing, food, jobs, healthcare etc) is getting more and more intense, it is just ridiculous to have more than two kids.

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@jim harie


i think governments and the do gooders have tried pretty much every thing such as taking the bad boys to such places as Spain or other holiday destinations to try and make them se sense on the other end of the scale we have had all manner of things as mentioned above approved schools borstals detention centres where the work was hard for a relative short time i.e. 3-6-9max months known as a short sharp shock and none of these has worked satisfactory, if you want people like one of the London rioters he as 15 kids to 15 different woman his mother has 6 kids with different fathers letts keep going as we are. every body is in agreement it is getting worse. the only way a lot of these people know of getting more money is having more kids brought up in the same manner as there parents, this cannot go on indefinitely jailing them does not work infact they are better looked after in there than they are outside not much of a deterrent there being nice to them taking them on holidays abroad (the do gudders solution) not a chance, some thing drastic has to be done but it needs a party with guts to do it


Would you care to put some punctuation in there please? Then I will bother to read it.

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Anti-social behaviour in Sheffield getting worse


Lower class people get angry, upset. No equal oportunities, society is angry with them they are treated like criminals and become anti-social.

Upper class people get angry, upset. They are robbed, punched, etc. They treat lower class like awfull criminals and take away oportunities to grow.


It is a vicious circle, both sides keep it going

Who's fault is this?

Who is to blame?

Who started this proces?

When either lower or upper class look at the other they get angry and upset.

The more force used makes the gap stronger. Prison and courts are not the answer.


Rhubarb. There are equal oppotunities. They can all go to school and be educated. For free, up to the age of 18. A gcse is a gcse country wide. Ditto an nvq.


Get a job. Contribute.

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Rhubarb. There are equal oppotunities. They can all go to school and be educated. For free, up to the age of 18. A gcse is a gcse country wide. Ditto an nvq.


Get a job. Contribute.


There are opportunities but they will never be equal.

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In my experience, "not that literate" equates to "racist".


In my experience, those that cry 'racist' have nothing to offer to the debate. How dare you suggest that someone's grammatical shortcomings means they are racist or anything else for that matter. Education was wasted on you pal.

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