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I'm afraid I lost the bet at Hollinsend Park

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When the new Wooden Zip Line and Climbing Frames were installed at Hollinsend Park, I jokingly sad to Mrs Moses they'll be ripped to bits or burnt in 6 months.


I'm saddened to say I was very wrong its taken lest than 3 months and the scrotes have had a go already.


Shame cos they have been a great success, I even watched a Grandad and the grand kids having a go one evening.



scumbags by Jonnylard, on Flickr



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To further Lady Star's point.


Fox-hunting was banned and now the hunter's have nothing to hunt. The hunter's said that Foxes are a pest and need to be controlled. Government disagreed.


However society & the government agree that Chavs (scum) ARE a pest so I forward the motion that we allow hunters to hunt however we determine that they are only allowed to hunt chav (scum)


The hunter's get to hunt and we get rid of the scumbags. Society wins.

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On a plus side, 3 months is within 6 months so you have still won your bet.


Seriously though, what goes through these people's minds? Utterly disgraceful. I don't care who done it whether it was a chav or bored school kids. It's wrong no matter what group of people done it.

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The people responsible probably have younger brothers/sisters who used this place but they are just mindless morons too high on cheap cider to realise the consequences of their actions.


Seen the same happen here on the Wybourn, we no longer have a playground.


I despair.


Give me a sniper rifle, i'd soon sort em out. :mad:

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There is a playground near me that at the beginning of last year was redeveloped, with new swings, slides, a climbing wall amongst a couple of other things. It's mainly wood with bark on the floor. Within the last 18 months or so it has been set on fire 3 times - in full view of at least two dozen houses. Why nobody thinks to do anything is beyond me, even if it is just to set up a bit of a neighbourhood watch.


Its beyond me why people would do this - it is at no benefit to them at all and just upsets little ones who want to have a play. On this point i'd also like to add that when I have taken my youngest brother up since it was redeveloped (he is 6) on at least 4 occasions we have had to come back almost straight away because he was too frightened to play on anything whilst the "big kids" were there - Around 16 years old, drunk off their trees, swearing shouting and play fighting. I understand their bordom but please do it somewhere that won't effect everyone else!

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There is a playground near me that at the beginning of last year was redeveloped, with new swings, slides, a climbing wall amongst a couple of other things. It's mainly wood with bark on the floor. Within the last 18 months or so it has been set on fire 3 times - in full view of at least two dozen houses. Why nobody thinks to do anything is beyond me, even if it is just to set up a bit of a neighbourhood watch.


Its beyond me why people would do this - it is at no benefit to them at all and just upsets little ones who want to have a play. On this point i'd also like to add that when I have taken my youngest brother up since it was redeveloped (he is 6) on at least 4 occasions we have had to come back almost straight away because he was too frightened to play on anything whilst the "big kids" were there - Around 16 years old, drunk off their trees, swearing shouting and play fighting. I understand their bordom but please do it somewhere that won't effect everyone else!


I am afraid they like an audience.The people in the houses overlooking the playground will contain the spineless majority too lazy to notify the police or challenge the kids' conduct.Photograph them,follow them home and then confront the parents -it will make some difference if they are inconvenienced.

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I am afraid they like an audience.The people in the houses overlooking the playground will contain the spineless majority too lazy to notify the police or challenge the kids' conduct.Photograph them,follow them home and then confront the parents -it will make some difference if they are inconvenienced.


The parents would no doubt cave your skull in for following their little darling home. The fact you also photo'd their sweetheart means you are a paedo too so youd get another smacking for that.

You think these 'kids' are like they are becaiuse they have caring parents?

Not a chance.

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We have helped breed these 'chav' scums, by supporting their parents to sit on there arse and open the legs.


We helped by removing any form of discipline for children, if they get caught doing this by the cops they get a slapped wrist and look hard in front of the mates, if they get took home by the police all that can happen is they have to sit on the naughty step.

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We have helped breed these 'chav' scums, by supporting their parents to sit on there arse and open the legs.


We helped by removing any form of discipline for children, if they get caught doing this by the cops they get a slapped wrist and look hard in front of the mates, if they get took home by the police all that can happen is they have to sit on the naughty step.


Remember the good old days when men were men, coppers were coppers and mothers were excellent shots with any object close at hand.

My mums weapon of choice was a big leather belt.

The buckle end!!!:hihi:

Serously tho, i got more than my fair share of hidings from my parents and it made me sit up and take notice. When they said something i listened.

Teachers were made of sterner stuff too.

I remember one teacher (Mr Kearns) who was a complete psyco. I once got on the wrong side of him and he grabbed me by the neck and lifted me clean off the ground. Held me there for a good few seconds until i was more ready to listen to what he had to say. Top bloke, fantastic teacher who taught me loads. Just a shame he died before his time.

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