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Spelling on the Forum

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Some very talented and successful people are dyslexic. My grandfather who was a very intelligent man, had been beaten by his school teacher in order to correct his left handed writing crime. His spelling was fine but his handwriting, using his right hand was poor.


hiya i remember my mum once telling me when she was starting to write at her school there were a few school mates of hers around the age of seven who would be using their left hands to write she said the teacher said they had to all use their right hands, this was in the early 1920s. her brother went to the same school and he had the best written hand i have ever seen, in fact it got him an office job in the 1950s ,the case being he worked on the railway as a trackman and when he started putting the timesheets in for the jobs done, the boss asked if he would like to work in the office, just to write any letters that may be needed along with other work.

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Spelling mistakes are completely forgivable.


For me, plain lazy use of the English language is not.


Text speak for instance, or people too lazy to read back what they have just written to glance over for simple mistakes and to make sure what they have written makes sense.


Completely agree salmonbones, we all make spelling mistakes, typos and lapse on grammar, but some posters seem to bask in their inability to conjugate a sentence or communicate their message effectively-what's the point contributing if what you have to say has to be read a dozen times to be understood.


There also seems to be a growing caucus who champion this new anti hero-lambasting those who mention someone's lazy spelling.


Where will it all end? We'll be reduced to grunting like our Neanderthal forebears I tell thee :hihi:

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Completely agree salmonbones, we all make spelling mistakes, typos and lapse on grammar, but some posters seem to bask in their inability to conjugate a sentence or communicate their message effectively-what's the point contributing if what you have to say has to be read a dozen times to be understood.


There also seems to be a growing caucus who champion this new anti hero-lambasting those who mention someone's lazy spelling.


Where will it all end? We'll be reduced to grunting like our Neanderthal forebears I tell thee :hihi:

You really amuse me BF! (in a nice way) :D:hihi:

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I don't have a problem with the odd typo. It's the people who type huge blocks of text with no punctuation or those who put three dots between every sentence but don't use capitals, that drive me to despair.


Yeah...right :roll:

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Whether other users like it or not, we have to have a certain tolerance for spelling and grammatical errors on forum posts. The forum is not available for use only by those with a good standard of written English, it's also available for those who may have English as a second language, or who may be dyslexic, or who struggle with spelling and grammar.


If you can think of a good way to allow all of those people to get involved which doesn't also have the possibility of grammatical errors or typos in posts then please do let us know.


In the absence of this, we will continue to allow those who are not perfect to have forum access.

Well thats really generous of you :D

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Whether other users like it or not, we have to have a certain tolerance for spelling and grammatical errors on forum posts. The forum is not available for use only by those with a good standard of written English, it's also available for those who may have English as a second language, or who may be dyslexic, or who struggle with spelling and grammar.


If you can think of a good way to allow all of those people to get involved which doesn't also have the possibility of grammatical errors or typos in posts then please do let us know.


In the absence of this, we will continue to allow those who are not perfect to have forum access.


Absolutely long may they reign! There is very often a correlation between lazy spelling and pitchfork ownership and many users believe they provide the best by way of entertainment ;)

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Can people not spell, or use the correct term these days?

Or is it just not considered an important part of the English language anymore?


lose or loose

there, their or they're

should've, not 'should of'

your or you're


I'm sure there are many more ... :rolleyes:


Why does this make you assume it is because people can't spell, have you ever thought it may be misspelt.

I always misspell things because I ppress wrong keys with me being disabled and my hands are badly effected.


Sometimes it is because I try typing fast and just not paying attention :)

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