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Lasting back pain after physiotherapy

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Early this year I was receiving physio for "scaiatica" (which wasn't doing much to be honest) the pain was down my leg and not at all in my back, which is actually very flexible, this apparently is unusual and seemed to flumoux the therapist.


After having to cancel an appointment the next one was not with the usual therapist as he was on holiday, this new one examined my back and began to feel at the bottom of my back...well feel is not the word for what he did, I prefer torture, he pressed so hard that I could have cried, and he did it over and over again dispite the fact that it was obviously causing me a lot of pain...it was in fact agony and I was on the verge of screaming.


After I came home my back was very very sore at the bottom and this lasted for weeks, if I touched it the pain was was so bad, it felt bruised but there was nothing visible.


Now 4 months on the bottom of my back still gives me pain, it cramps up, and aches badly particularly if I'm in one position for any length of time, if I walk much or stand for long and when I wake up in the morning, it still hurts to touch the bottom of my back but not as much.


I did not report this when it happened as my Mum was very ill and I just got on with things on auto pilot but now I wondering what to do about this as it is still ongoing.


Has anything like this ever happened to you? and if so what did you do about it, and did anything actually help your back get better? any advice would be very welcome.

Edited by Moonbird
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This sounds just like how I started some 12 years ago, with the sciatica, low back pain stiffness and more pain caused by inactivity. Rest and going to bed didnt cure it, infact I woke up worse in a morning, the pain usually woke me up. Its only after years and years of seeing different specialists I hjave finally got a diagnosis. I tried every painkiller going, attended pain clinics, hydrotherapy, accupunture ect. I got so I couldnt stand long enough to wash a bowl of pots to be honest and life has been made pretty bad by it. I hope yours manages to clear up quickly for you, all these years they have been treating me for mechanical back pain, and it turns out it was inflamation that was causing the problem for me. I have a condition called Ankylosing Spondylitis, had never heard of it before, Its known for being a mans disease , more so than something that affects women.It was brought to a diagnosis funnily enough by me having Hasimoto's, which is an autoimmune disorder to do with the thyroid, and usually if you have one auto immune they can be connected to others too. If I were you I would be tempted to go back to the doctors and make them aware that you are still having problems with it and see what they recommend. I have just bought a tens unit to try to see if that helps on top of medictaion that I already take.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have only just seen this post. Are you still getting lower back pain? Acupuncture is very effective in treating lower back pain. Im not sure where in Sheffield you're from...but there are quite a few acupuncturists around sheffield centre. I am based in the S26 area just off junc 31 so not sure if its too far. But I would say that if youre still suffering deffinately give it a try.

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it may be a herniated disc you have, and if so it needs to be removed, surgery is the only answer i have had two removed and feel like a new woman, i also had two rods placed on the side of the L4 L5 and a fusion in the disc space i am no longer in any pain.

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I have a condition called Ankylosing Spondylitis, had never heard of it before, Its known for being a mans disease , more so than something that affects women.


Oh, can I ask how you managed to get your diagnosis for this?


I have the symptoms of this and have done since I was in my early twenties, the 'flare' part that I suffered throughout my 20's when I could barley walk has mainly gone now but the pain in the mornings is horrible and wakes me up. My Nanna and Uncle both have it. The doctors don't see me crying in the morning when I'm walking the dog or trying to get out of bed and get my back and legs moving again, once the first few hours of the day are over I'm fine and unless it is flaring I don't have much pain, the later in the day the less painful it becomes and this is the time I see the doctor so I'm sure they think I'm making it up. If I constantly move I'm fine, but it's not very practical :hihi:


I know it does not show up on an ESR inflammation test like rheumatoid arthritis so when I have had a general blood check nothing shows up. I'm so used to it I gave up moaning at the doctors as they seem to just put it down to 'back pain' send me to a physio which has no effect in the slightest. Did they do a genetic test to see if you had the 'gene' or was it diagnosed through xrays?

If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth.If wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error JS Mill

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Yes you may ask, i had an MRI and a CT scan in which the herniation will show up it will not show up with any blood test, or test for aurthrites, I hope you will be able to have one or both of these test and it will help a great deal to show what the problem is.

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Yes you may ask, i had an MRI and a CT scan in which the herniation will show up it will not show up with any blood test, or test for aurthrites, I hope you will be able to have one or both of these test and it will help a great deal to show what the problem is.


Thank you. I will have be more insistant at the Dr's, my boyf and family are always telling me off for not pushing it and getting a diagnosis (even if it is not AS) because they get to hear the moaning :hihi:

Edited by Evei

If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth.If wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error JS Mill

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