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2011 Council Election Results

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Well this should be fun. Labour has promised all sorts in their election leaflets so NOW DELIVER!...... .and please don't use the current government as an excuse.


Reinstate 10 PCSO posts

Restore 15% cuts to children's services

Restore apprenticeships for 16-19 year olds

Restore cuts to voluntary sector

Free rat treatment

Stop cuts to support services to children and adventure playgrounds



WE ARE WAITING with great interest.

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Due to my ill health (see separate thread) I have, sadly, been unable to attend the count tonight.


I am though pleased to discover, courtesy of Sheffield Forum, that I have retained my council seat - and I am delighted by the confidence that the electors in my ward have shown in me by voting me back in.


I will though now be absent from politics during the coming months whilst I fight an even bigger battle, literally for my life. I hope to return to the political fray and to fully represent my constituents once I have completed the lengthy treatment for my illness.


May I congratulate my fellow ward councillor, Julie Dore, on a stunning result for Labour in Sheffield. I will now look forward to Julie being elected leader of the council after this fantastic result.

More likely an anti Clegg protest,sour grapes so what?

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I voted for for local issues and things that directly affect me.


The big plus under the current council has been the quality of gritting during the severe winters and a minimal increase in my council tax.


The big negative has been the quality of the roads, but this has been an issue during the reign of both parties and fortunately it should be getting sorted out over the next few years.


Let's hope Labour spend the money where it's needed and don't waste it on pointless trips for councillors to East European countries.


Regardless of what party you support, let's hope Labour make a good job of things because ultimately it's all of us who will benefit if they do.


Wouldn't it be nice to hear an opposition politician give praise to one of his rivals for a great idea or a job well done?......It never seems to happen with politicians.





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I will though now be absent from politics during the coming months whilst I fight an even bigger battle, literally for my life. I hope to return to the political fray and to fully represent my constituents once I have completed the lengthy treatment for my illness.


Hi John, Im sure you will be missed during your absence and wish you well on your struggles ahead.


I hope it all goes well for you.

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Due to my ill health (see separate thread) I have, sadly, been unable to attend the count tonight.


I am though pleased to discover, courtesy of Sheffield Forum, that I have retained my council seat - and I am delighted by the confidence that the electors in my ward have shown in me by voting me back in.


I will though now be absent from politics during the coming months whilst I fight an even bigger battle, literally for my life. I hope to return to the political fray and to fully represent my constituents once I have completed the lengthy treatment for my illness.


May I congratulate my fellow ward councillor, Julie Dore, on a stunning result for Labour in Sheffield. I will now look forward to Julie being elected leader of the council after this fantastic result.


ill say a prayer for you, take care.

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Stannington held by Lib Dems by 5 VOTES!


Stanno was clearly there for the taking. Unfortunately the Labour candidate did not see that. I did not even know the name of any of the other candidates, other than Priestley.


Why, oh why, did they not go out on the estates and muster up some more votes? :loopy:

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How has Mr Postman got on ? He is "the rising star" of the far right in this country and I'm sure he his elections results must match his video making and meeting organising skills.


4th out of 5, young Mr Pont. I watched his Youtube clip and you couldn't hear what he was saying for the traffic. What a numpty. The BNP will implode completely now. They all got smashed in Barnsley too and lost their councillors in Stoke, if not everywhere. In Thurrock they resorted to attacking a polling station and throwing eggs about. It looks like they'll give up losing elections and go back to marching and sieg-heiling, which is the only thing they've ever been any good at.

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That's it then. Nine seats swung from Lib-Dems to Labour. Very bad night for the Lib-Dems.
Not so much a bad night for the LDs, more a bad night, and future, for the City of Sheffield. :(


Has everyone forgotten what it was like when Labour were totally in control before? :help:

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