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EDL at a new low.

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As do the EDF. They're as bad as each other.


The EDF, though, are the ones being the most hypocritical. They claim to defend English values, but I'm fairly sure that assaulting the police and disrupting the rule of English law is not an English value. Indeed, most enemies of England would be happy to see the work the EDF is doing on their behalf!






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I watched a BBC documentary on the English Defence League, and i just find them odd now. It is my belief that when they the group was first started they did stand for something, even if it was something stupid. Radical islam is a threat, but it's not going to be beaten by joining a big group of white lads acting like thugs and idiots.


Sadly the EDL quickly got turned into a sad mix of fascist rabble and hooligans looking for a fight. If the people who started dislike it being taken over by idiots, which has happened, they should fight more to make a serious point or cancel it all completely.

1: its always been stupid, they SAY its against exremists BUT has always been about being against general muslims ie:- no mosques etc


2: yeah its just a mish mash of hooligan elements from all around the country on a days jolly, even in the link they mention they met up in the pubs beforehand (travel, pub, protest, ruck - sounds just like the working white males weekend fun through the ages)


3: im sure theres better ways to air their grievences and get somebody to listen than travel en masse into "muslim" areas and cause trouble?

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All of them? Really?


Or are you just making stuff up again?


You need to go and fetch BritPat to help you, remember, he's the one with the brain.


You are just the sacrificial lamb.


is it ok for a mod to name call and insult people now?

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ok so they can post in a personal capacity and insult other posters. thats ok then isnt it.:roll:

I'm sure you can weather the storm of being called a lamb. :)


Care to enlighten us on your opinion why proud English patriots were waving a firework in a policeman's face?

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