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  1. My recollection of death was sitting on the settee after feeling a bit rough, then gone and remembering nothing for a fortnight, no one waiting or bright lights, but the pain of broken ribs after being resuscitated made up for my feeling nothing.
  2. I hope the next time I die is as peaceful as the first time.
  3. Anyone remember Tiny Tim making an appearance.
  4. In which case why did you put this " . People here illegally are of course not entitled to any benefits or social housing at all. " when clearly they are.
  5. Is that why so many are put up in hotels and given benefits?
  6. You've certainly put your balls on that sandwich Padders.
  7. Some here, https://www.facebook.com/reel/1047918566789472
  8. As I remember they had the best view for the start of the Rag Race https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10227420337547429&set=pcb.2703523049795385
  9. 249 Penistone Road was close to the bottom of Wood Street facing Andrews Toledo.
  10. For the thick amongst us THEY'VE is meaning the British government.
  11. Pubs have closed due to the price of a pint, cheaper in the supermarket, also notice the alcohol content in the supermarket has fallen, slowly slowly.
  12. Slowly slowly catchee monkey how many pubs are left, I remember reading in I think it was a book called The Great Deception, "how can we get the British out of the pubs they'll never stand for it" well they've closed most of the pubs.
  13. Hows Kelsey going not seen him since Lenny's funeral.
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