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Kidding yourself


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How many of you have a habit of kidding yourself when it come to healthy living issues?


You know the ones, 'from tomorrow i'm eating salads', 'from tomorrow i'm going jogging', 'from next week i'm going to drink loads of water each day'.....you get the idea :).


Why do we make these promises to ourselves (half the time in my case knowing it's just not going to happen)? Do we push ourselves too far? Are we trying to alter too many habits in one go?


What's your main broken promise to yourself and why do you think you keep breaking it?

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How many of you have a habit of kidding yourself when it come to healthy living issues?


You know the ones, 'from tomorrow i'm eating salads', 'from tomorrow i'm going jogging', 'from next week i'm going to drink loads of water each day'.....you get the idea :).


Why do we make these promises to ourselves (half the time in my case knowing it's just not going to happen)? Do we push ourselves too far? Are we trying to alter too many habits in one go?


What's your main broken promise to yourself and why do you think you keep breaking it?


i used to be like this, and even though i eat a rather balanced diet i still have days where i eat nothing but rubbish and i do a lot or activity at work and some light pilates at home :o


we do it because it is a good intention and it makes us feel a little bit less guilty for having that extra peice of cake or that kfc dinner :) even though there is that little thing in our head saying "yeh yeh whatever you know your not gonna eat better tommorow" unfortunately our desire to eat that "bad" (yummy) thing over rides our must eat healthy desire at that time :(


i personally think you can try and change too much at once, i started reducing sugar and salt slowly now i dont add salt and i dont have sugar in my drinks the salt alone helped my lose my water retention and about 3lbs in weight with that alone. i then started to cut back on take aways, now we have 1 a month. then i stopped eating a dessert after every meal by having fruit instead. then i stopped frying food and baked it or steamed it etc etc. this was done over 4 years and by doing it that way it didnt feel like i was giving up everything i loved at once and made me less likely to slip and binge cos i was feeling sorry for myself. i went from a size 22/24 to a 14/16 using this method and i have been very happy doin it this way.



i think the key to it is allowing yourself to have a dessert when you want one but dont feel bad about it and do it slowly not crash dieting or cutting certain things out completely. its all about keeping things even if you have a bad day then have a good day the day after.

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i thought about joining the gym, i joined the gym i even went a few times!! however it was the most boring form of excersise i could have imagined!! I go jogging now and then but that drives me insane too!! I take the little ones swimming everyweek but i dont suppose going up and down the pirate slide 18times constitutes excersise!!

Never mind just dance for wii is brill especially after a few drinks!!

Don't beat yourself up about not doing what you planned! just plan something else!!

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I think we've all been tyhere at some point or another and will be til the motivation kicks in fully.

Over the last few months I noticed I had more and more aches and pains, including managing to give myself achilles tendonitis in both legs (not fun).

Realising that the only way to combat this was to lose weight and raise my fitness I've made the changes.

A month ago I started a diet group on facebook with two others, a few more people have joined in (and a few have dropped out) and it's becoming a nice little comunity.


So far I've lost just over a stone and I'm really feeling the benefits.

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I envy people that can keep with healthy living, I can do it for about 3 months then I've had enough, I do swim for 1 hour though a couple times a month, thats the only thing I can keep up, the Gym thingie comes and goes, it's going right now but not for long :)

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I think it is all about trying things out and seeing what works within your life. I started netball 5 years ago and still play at least one match a week. I started running 2 months ago and as it fits in nicely with walking the dog and a thursday night training session so I've kept it up and can see myself sticking with it like the netball.


I've also joined the gym but just done it monthly at the moment as I'm not really an indoor person. I'm not sure if I am stuck on it yet but once the ice kicks in and it is unsafe to run outside in the dark I'm sure the treadmills and classes will become more appealing :hihi:


I think the secret to keeping healthy is trying things, some things will stick and the majority will not..(swimming, yoga, dancing, wholemeal pasta (yuk), being veggie are all things I've tried for a while and failed to continue but there is loads of things I have tried and made into habitats.

If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth.If wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error JS Mill

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There is a really strong theme in this thread - definitely that one size does not fit all when it comes to exercise & physical activity - you have to learn what suits you best. This might mean trying lost of different things, gym, jogging, swimming before you find the one that you really enjoy. I think the important thing is not to feel guilty if you have tried something and not liked it. You should be proud that you have actually tried it and concentrate on what you want to try next!!!


You can also make small changes to your lifestyle that will add up to big changes, taking the stairs not the lift, parking at the far end of the car park when you go shopping etc. The best one i have heard of was from one of my clients who used to iron downstairs and take each piece upstairs and put them away individually!!!!


In terms of food a little bit of what you fancy does you good. Don't feel guilty for eating cake - enjoy it!

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