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Can someone please advise on getting rid of spiders?

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I dont think i aimed the hairspray in the right direction and now i all i have achieved is to give it a heads up that i want to destroy it so now its prolly sat plotting is revenge for when i am asleep :gag:

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I TOLD U. Hairspray doesn't work. 9 times out of 10 they just run.




:( :( I know and now i cant sleep at all because i have visions of it crawling onto the ceiling above my bed, staring at me with sinister intent as i sleep and then just doing a suicide drop onto my face :( :(

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awww, I love it!!! When I lived on my own I used to put a big mixing bowl over them and leave them for days until they died. then hoovered them up. People would walk in my house and wonder why I had an upturned bowl in the middle of my room. Felt very stupid when explaining but it did the trick for me!!!

I have now learned to tolerate them as my son and hubby tend to play on my weaknesses. I'm sure that either of them given the opportunity would catch one and throw it on me or something ridiculous like that!!!!

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How can you be scared of spiders. ?

Saying that, i'm afraid of horses, but at least they can't hide under my bed.



I am also scared stupid of butterflies, in fact i would go as far as to say i would rather be faced with this spider over a butterfly anyday. butterflies send me into complete meltdown which is quite suprising really as moths dont bother me at all :confused::)

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Ugliness aside, they're actually quite handy around the house, keep the flies down and are really not interested in you. This is the classic time of year for big black spiders so you'll probably see a few more and while I'm not enamoured of them I would never kill one, I try and catch them but if they run off and disappear, what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve.

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