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Everything posted by selphie

  1. I don't smoke .......(I didn't sell them either so jump off your bandwagon) I also don't value the opinion of anonymous 'holier than thou' keyboard warriors who claim they stay within the law to enable them to pass judgement on anyone who happens to cross their path at any given opportunity!
  2. So i'm utterly disgusting am I? The cases were mine, the contents of the cases were also mine. Finally I paid for the baggage allowance therefore the weight of the cases and the contents were MY responsibility. Oh and the luggage tags had my name on them. So what's so disgusting? Honestly, this forum makes me laugh!! I find it disgusting that people people create children by not practising safe sex, then complain because they can't afford them and even consider abortion. THAT'S disgusting!
  3. We did it from Turkey last year. 2 adults, 2 children. 200 fags in each case. No-one said anything.
  4. We went to Cutlers' Spice on Valentines day and it was gorgeous. My parents went the week bfore and recommended it to us and we were suitably impressed. The service was second to none, the food delicious, the atmosphere perfect and the bill was a great surprise. We will definitely be going again.
  5. Getting back on topic, It's very difficult where houses are concerned. If your ex-partner wants you out then he can apply for a court order for division and sale (think that's what it's called). It is a long and expensive process and the judge is not guaranteed to sanction it when kids are involved, but it can happen. The judge would take into account who has legal custody of the children, for instance if you both have joint custody then both parties would need somewhere safe for the children etc. I can't really go into the legal side of it because i'm not a solicitor. I'm just drawing on my experiences. On the other hand, if you can't buy your ex out and are happy to keep paying the full mortgage think about the long term. You could sink all your money into a property over say 20 years only to sell it and have to hand over half of the proceedings to your ex. He/she will always be entitled to it whilst ever they are on the deeds. My advice, flog it and move on. It gives you a clean break and makes things a lot less complicated.
  6. I had some milk in my tea this morning which went out of date yesterday It tasted fine
  7. ^^^^^ What they said Rubeez is deffo the best, however Jaipur on Bocking Lane is also gorgeous and the deliver to top end of Gleadless.
  8. Not sure if this will help but we picked up some spare parts from Wilf Jays in Treeton for our terrano. This was over a year ago though. Might be worth giving them a call. You probably know but just in case, Terrano's are the same as Ford Mavericks too, so if you're struggling try looking for Maverick parts.
  9. We were in the next hotel down from aqua fantasy and it did look amazing but I can only agree with other poster's. Turkey is a doghole and so is Kusadasi. We practically starved in our hotel (Surmeli Efes) and couldn't wait to get home after 11 nights of sheer hell. Kusadasi is ok, but once you've been round it once you've pretty much seen it all. It's rubbish for the kids and terribly overpriced. Food is substandard and I personally did not enjoy being chased through the bizarre by a strange man trying to flog knock of perfume and touch my 14 year old daughter. I'd have preferred to stay at home
  10. ...............................................
  11. There's no easier way. Get in touch with your local college and apply for an access course. This cancels out the need for A levels. Do your GCSE maths and English at the same time. Where in Sheffield do you live? I do Health Science at Norton and it's a really good course. They run it at Hillsborough as well but not at City. The tutors meet people like us all the time and are really supportive with your UCAS application and will help you get everything right. Make sure you get plenty of experience before applying to university, from what i've heard, nhs midwives won't allow you to shadow them so you have to apply to Jessops or find a private midwife. I would definitely ring round the colleges though, go and see a careers advisor. They'll be able to help you with everything. The access course I am on is all day tuesday and wednesday and then a friday afternoon. It's hard work and you have to commit to a lot of homework. I generally spend most of monday and all day thursday doing my assignments. It's well worth it though.
  12. http://http://www.shu.ac.uk/prospectus/course/713/entry/ This is the course they run at Sheffield Hallam. I have applied for it this year but haven't heard anything from them yet. Check out the entry requirements and if you meet them you can apply through UCAS. Have a look on The Student Room before you apply to get some hints and tips on your personal statement because the admissions tutors decide whether to give you an interview based on what you put in it. Also make sure you have LOTS of relevant experience or they will just reject you straight away. Midwifery is a very competitive course with thousands of people applying every year for limited places. It's hard to get onto. If you don't have the relevant qualifications to apply you'll need to do an Access course at college. These courses are one year and I would recommend doing Health Science or Science. They run over 3 days per week so if you're working you'll probably have to reduce your hours. If you need to do GCSE's too you can do those along side your access course. This is all assuming you're a 'mature' student btw. The midwifery course runs for 3 years so you do have to be dedicated. Good luck x edit.. If you are serious you need to go to an open day at the university too. Keep up to date with current news etc. I can't stress enough how hard it is to get onto the course. You need to have as much knowledge and understanding as humanly possible. Unless you really swat up now I wouldn't recommend applying for the 2012 intake, 15th January was the deadline for equal consideration, which means that if you apply now you will already be on the backfoot.
  13. My son is diabetic, within 48 hours of having no insulin he would be dead. There's nothing he can do to help his condition or his situation. He has to have insulin and he has to have it several times a day, every day. My husband is asthmatic, he controls his condition by exercising, increasing his vital capacity and therefore barely using his inhaler. He does everything in his power to ensure he is looking after himself. He pays for his prescriptions, and hardly has any. I don't think asthma and diabetes is a fair comparison.
  14. Have a look here http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/ There's loads of info and people able to help. Good luck in your interview x
  15. Hiya, I've recently gone through this. You can apply to AQA for a certificate of results which lists all your subjects and grades. It is proof of qualifications and can be used to get into university however, some workplaces may not accept them which would mean getting the certificates which are about £25 each. The certificate of results is about £30 I think and they take ages to come. About 6-8 weeks. Hope this helps
  16. Hey, My hubby just replaced the element on our dishwasher because it was damaged and kept tripping. We bought the part from espares and it came the next day. £45 and quite easy to do, if that's what's causing the problem of course. Normally I would call Apollo at Meadowhead, they come out to you and fix, however i'm almost positive that someone on here will be able to fix it cheaply for you too. Good luck x
  17. Whilst we're on the subject of sayings that people don't know the meaning to, can someone please explain to me what this means? 'I thought you were .........' 'You know what thought did!'What did thought do?
  18. Why is it ridiculous? Would you feel comfortable if you had to touch your colleagues at work for 20 minutes per day? I know they are only children and this peer massage might have some benefits. I personally think it's weird. I have an 11 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. My son is disabled so I have my reasons for him not being touched. My daughter is hormonal and so I don't think it's a good idea for anyone to be touching her at the moment, she might think they're married . Anyway, I just think that it's an invasion of personal space, something i'm not very keen on. That's my personal opinion, maybe if I knew more about it then my opinion would change.
  19. I agree with the OP. I wouldn't want my son touching other kids and other kids touching him. It seems a little bit weird in my opinion.
  20. :hihi:Why don't they just give us all an extra bin?
  21. Bottom of eastbank road just before it forks off, there is a house on the left which looks to be old and empty, also further down eastbank road towards the co-op petrol station, on the right hand side I think there's an old children's home or school. Not sure though so don't quote me on it.
  22. Cool< thank you. I'l get my husband to have a look at it
  23. Hi all, My hubby bought me a second hand bike for christmas off ebay. It's in pretty good shape and doesn't look like it's ever been ridden. I got it out today, gave it a wipe down and set off to my friends house only there seems to be something wrong with it. As i'm riding along, the chain seems to 'slip' and the pedals spin round until it catches again and has tension. It then just keeps doing that. It doesn't seem to change gear either. Anyone know what I need to do to fix it? Or is there a man I can pay to fix it for me lol!!! Thanks for reading
  24. My dad used to call me sparra legs! and sparra fart! If we were naughty he used to give us a 'right rollicking'! Lol, ahhh the memories!
  25. I went in Maggie Mays last night, It was alright actually. Not for the younger generation but good for the older 'uns, and you're not plagued by the usual riffraff that are wandering round town, spoiling for a fight.
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