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Who's your favourite member of staff in Sheffield?


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The guy who collects trolleys outside the Infirmary Road Tesco. When shopping with little ones he fetches a trolly out for you and puts the brake on, open the seat and dries it for you too, and on the way out he sneaks up behind you as you're getting the baby back into the car to ask where you would like him to put your shopping, before taking your trolley back too! The world could use a few (thousand) more of him.

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I have a few people to 'big up' on this thread!


The entire staff of Scrivens opticians on Pinstone Street who greet me like a friend and never have to ask my name when I collect my contact lenses.


Jill, the Customer Service Manager at Asda Handsworth who I once had a real pop at when I wasn't pleased, but who always says hello whenever I call in. Also Tracey and Pretti who work checkouts at nights.


Finally, Vicki who used to work on the cloakroom at Poptastic when it was at the City Hall, who never got tired of me losing my coat ticket and telling her I loved her when I'd had one-too-many drinks!


I'm sue there's more, but I can't remember at this late hour!


K x

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Mrs Nirmal @ Nirmal's! She's fantastic and manages to give us money off, and free cinema tickets everytime we go in! She's fantastic!


Chris(?) at Tesco on West St. whose always manages to find something funny about my friends' T-Shirt (the one who occasionally borrows my forum account to post mundane ramblings at 4.30 in the morning!)

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The 2 guys who run the cook shop on Abbeydale Road.


It is impossible to just nip in, buy and get back out. I like to reserve at least 40mins to discuss the best casserole dish for my needs and a general chat on how life is going..


And my local post office. That's about 30 mins to buy a stamp.


The guy who washes my hair at the hairdressers. He practises his head massages out on me for free. He's improving but I'll never tell him that - let him think he needs the practise.


Dilys at WH Smith. She has assisted me 3 times and I'll never forget her name and smile.

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Originally posted by nick2

The staff at Mamas & Leonies, who let me have chips and bolognese sauce or anything else that isn't on the menu that I fancy".


I remember you lambasting me for liking Nonnas once (boy, do I hold a grudge), and yet you'll happily walk into a restaurant and order "chips and bolgnese sauce"? Eh?

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For quite sometime I have generally hated going into Sainsbury's on the Moor. They seem to take staff off just in time for everyone shopping on their way home at 6pm to have to queue.


However over the past few months our shopping experience has been brightened by one of the most pleasant JS staff I've met in years. (I was 'always' pleasant when I was a trolley boy back in the day).


So a big up to Lauren, who shouldn't worry about failing her exams she's too bright to get stuck behind a checkout for the rest of her life.

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