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Why are slugs climbing trees?

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Urgh I hate slugs too. I've never seen them climb trees though :confused:


Perhaps there is something sweet - sap or something leeching from that particular tree that is attracting them?


One of the ways of getting rid of slugs is to put some beer i a bowl. The smell of the beer attracts them and they drown in it. Try putting a bowl at the base of the tree to 'trap' them?

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The Tree Slug , Limax marginatus feeds mainly on lichens, but they tend to be darkly coloured.




The Pear Slug can be found on many trees (including ash) eating the leaves. They are yellowy in colour but are not true slugs. They are actually the larvae of sawfly.


Most likely is the juvenile form of the Large Red Slug which has a parasitic variety which is know to climb into trees ready to fall upon unsuspecting mammals and suck their blood before laying their eggs.

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A juvenile form of the large red slug - climbs trees ready to fall on unsuspecting mammals and suck their blood!


WTF#! That's it - i'm not walking under any trees ever again !

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Think yourself lucky!!


i woke up for work last week and found a slug in my bathroom!! it had climbed up the outside of the house and thru the tiny bathroom window!


yuch yuch and yuch!


p.s. ive still got a spider under a cup from 4 days ago :) hehe

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