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Urgent - 2 boys missing s6 area - need help!!**FOUND**

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thank you everyone, theres still no signs off them.


we're kinda just waitin about, looked everywhere people have suggested and more, lost as wot to do :(


Have you looked in any local barns?? I remember "running away" with my sister around this age. We holed ourselves up in a barn on Loxley Road (but not for too long). All because we didnt like the discipline of our parents at the time. At that age you dont think of the consequences.


If any searches are to be organised on the common/loxley bottoms, let us know and Im sure lots will join in. Pictures would be good as word is spreading and it may help to put a face to them if people have seen them today.

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thank you everyone, theres still no signs off them.


we're kinda just waitin about, looked everywhere people have suggested and more, lost as wot to do :(


Do you have any pictures of the boys ?? They will help, as well as descriptions of what they were wearing, last place they were seen etc etc..

If people have seen them through the day, it just might jog their memory..

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Did they have money i know it sound's a long shot but when i was that age i used to ride around on the bus etc etc, and daysavers for kid's are only cheap arnt they.

Just a suggestion but it just sprung to my head for some reason.


me 2, I used to do that, although sometimes the driver would get arsey and make us get off! so might be an idea.


It might be a long shot, but are they on any social networking sites, bebo, facebook etc... there may be a clue on there?!

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I feel useless sat here but don't really know Wisewood that well. Anywhere/anything we can do?


I too feel pretty useless just sat here typing away, but unfortunatly, I've had a couple of drinks so I can't drive over there to help out.. :(

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Really really hope they are found soon. They should be at home playing on their xbox's or whichever console is popular, not wandering around. They may have got lost, and not be able to find their way home, or may be scared that they will get into trouble for being away from home so they are staying away for longer. I hope they have not been snatched. Sorry for being morbid, but it may have happened.

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