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2202020 why bother

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So I phone 2202020 as Ive had enough of this weekly ritual.


After 20 mins of waiting after being transfered I hang up /Give up


Is this normal?


Have you tried contacting your Safer Neighbourhood Team directly? You might get a better response by speaking to the local officers who will deal with an ongoing problem rather than the general number for reporting a crime.


I don't know where you live but you should be able to find contact details here:





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We had our Grandson staying the other night and just got him to sleep. Once again loads of illegal bikers on the park next to our house. full blown moto x bikes. 8:30 pm on a Sunday.


So I phone 2202020 as Ive had enough of this weekly ritual.


After 20 mins of waiting after being transfered I hang up /Give up


Is this normal?


Yes I once rang to report a bloke with a gun in public and after 15 minutes to when I'd actually got through he'd cleared off (in heinsight I know I should have rang 999) tried to report a hit and run a few months ago by the time I got through they'd cleared off. Only ever found it useful about once.

Moral - if remotely necesary ring 999.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Get Mr Benn on the case :thumbsup:


the problem in High Green has now gone -cant praise the police enough.

they always came out when i was reporting illrgal off road bikers ,so im surprised the OP Has had problems .


the OP should contact their local neighbourhood comunity support team -they have their own phone no`s and direct lines .



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they have all moved next to adam


looks that way-but if people in every area drive them away by using the police ,then at some point the illegal bikers will have nowhere to go . keep at it Adam,the police do treat this anti social behaviour seriously and will stamp down on them hard as has happened up here , but you need to keep reporting them to the police ,with as many details as poss ,discriptions,ages, bike discription etc

Edited by MR BENN
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I tried 2202020 again today, same problem, still no answer.


After 20 mins of waiting after being transfered I hang up /Give up


what is 101 number?


101 is the sheffield nuber for police non emergencies, ive used it a few times always answer

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