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Everything posted by Daffy_D

  1. She wont want you now Alcoblog you are soiled 610 posts and by the time you reply the magic number has long gone... C'est la Guerre... Mon Ami.... :hihi:
  2. Posted in the style of Tab1 "So you have no argument that is valid and sustainable so I win and you are the loser" Theres only one on this section that fails to believe anyone because of his bigotted views and that is you Tab1.. Why do you always bring any thread that mentions another faith to your own level ie; trolling..... I invite Plaintalkers views on this subject openly and with respect, I was making this post for such views for my friend who is too carefull to make them herself for the reasons allready stated, now take your placard and get back on your podium Tab1 because more and more people are taking you for what you are.... A Racist troll....
  3. You really are a sad contrived person Tab1 ... Are you going to now prove that day is indeed night by multi quoting snippets of quotes that suit your own agenda... Ever wondered why I keep my posts short and to the point ?? All hail he who can do no wrong.. Tab end the voice of reasonable values.. pffft.. hows life on Tab world ?? lonely ??
  4. Why do you think that anyone listens to your efforts at trolling on threads to do with muslim issues Tab end ?? Why do you always try to break down every thread into your own end ie: everyone hates islam ?? I never said anything of the sort that you sadly refer to ...perhaps you have an agenda all of your own you sad person.. or perhaps you want to call into the DWP building and meet me and my colleague that I refer to ... Idiot...
  5. You may need my nurse after offering your services :hihi:
  6. seems like the right time to "Jump" on this thread and make a "Snappy" comment... Why dont they make frogs grow to the same size as sheep ?? that way the legs when pulled off will make a really nice "POP" as they are pulled out of the joints... :D yum yum....
  7. You have just shot yourself in the foot Dyson... Do you have a car and drive on sheffields well kept roads then ?? Maybe it is you and your twisty twisty ways that are responsible for all the holes in the roads ! I would keep quiet if I were you :hihi:
  8. Bear with him. Bless him... took him all day to come up with that.... The nurse is on her way round AO.. :hihi:
  9. Scratching their FAFF and saying its a cheeky flea !!!! :hihi: I dont make excuses just say my nuts are itchy...
  10. Excuse me Bin letdown aka Tab1. I was voicing the opinions of my good friend and colleauge who through no fault but her faith feels that it would be harmfull for her to post on an internet forum as it would insult members of her family and may bring retribution to her... What is your hang up on this ? saying that I have set out a thread engineered to cause malice toward another religion ?? are you only here to troll the cause of the male MUSLIM beliefs so stifling the voice of a female... For Allahs sake she has as much right to speak as you do so why does the link posted by Depoix highlight this.. which was the point I raised and nothing more ??? Suppose your good lady walks the mandatory paces behind you eh Tab end.....
  11. Have you still got your trial version of word ???
  12. and shiny white flagpoles are gonna do the trick eh ?? :hihi: Quick everyone get yer back door steps whitewashed I hear Hans Blick is doing the rounds next week....
  13. Try riding it all the way to the top trannyrana, its the only way you are ever going to hit the high notes ... :hihi:
  14. And how many small voices do you represent ?? My moot point was that in an integrated society that we supposedly have why are these womens voices being stifled by male indoctrinations especially being forced by religios doctrines......
  15. That point would be fine by her but her family firmly believes that it is against religious grounds for her to use the internet on forums/chat rooms.. I have argued the case that she has rights to post but it seems that once again religion has a take on this matter so much so that she will not reply now to questions asked to her... I feel that as a woman she has the right to do whatever she wants by our laws and no cleric or modern day muslim re writer of the quaran has the right to tell her different just because technology has moved forward.. How can these pig ignorant people tell a woman that you cannot post because we have discovered the internet and its far better that we use it to show people ready for slaughter than chit chat ?? Its Pathetic......
  16. Prince got a new album out then ??? send it ........ :hihi: Oy agent Orange...wheres the link for the swimming pikkies ?? Dont be shy lets all laugh as one
  17. This aint just Sheffield... this is S and F Sheffield :hihi:
  18. Only from an assistant mod :huh: Why not go the whole hog and declare the wasps nest a George Bush infliction on the planet and they are not american wasps they is Jihad wasps :hihi:
  19. Well said that man But we know not to question the powers that be because it clearly states in the forum rules that WE KNOW BEST and questioning this statement leads to a holiday :hihi:
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